Chapter 24

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Right after leaving Maia's room, I sped to mine. Searching every corner of the room for my magic powder. Punching the wall in frustration, I dial Mike's phone.

"Yo yo, what's up?" The overly cheerful voice of my best mate makes me want to throw the fucking phone out the window.

"I'm going to your apartment and I want you to bring at least 15 grams of coke down with you. Oh, and dress up. We are going out." I hang up before he can question me.

Tapping my finger against the steering wheel, I can still hear Maia's last words.

I don't know who the fuck Martin is, but when I find him he's going to wish he never spoke to my girl.

Mike slams the car door, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I'm going to assume you went to see Maia and it didn't go great." He throws the bag of coke onto my lap and I look at the snow product in front of me. Debating if I want to do I line here in the car or wait until later, I choose the latter.

We make our way to club Davanza. It's one of the only clubs that are open until 6 am. The flashing lights and loud music make the atmosphere perfect to get lost for just a little bit.

A few half-naked girls are dancing in cages. Mike stops right in front of a brunette and throws a hundred-dollar bill. I make my way to an empty table all the way in the back. This is the best area to do a couple of lines and just sit down and watch the world spin around me. At my feet.

I wave over a pretty redhead waitress, phone in my hand sending another message to Maia. To be exact this will be the fifth text message within an hour and a half.

Me: I swear if you don't answer me I will make sure your so-called friend Marin will be the one who suffers the consequences.

"What can I get for you, sir?" I slip my phone into my pocket and pay attention to the lady in front of me.

She's pretty hot but she's no Maia. Internally rolling my eyes because clearly I'm whipped as fuck, I send the bodacious waitress a smile.

"I'll have bourbon, two fingers, near and Jack Daniels on the rocks for my friend over there." I point a finger over to where Mike is currently receiving a lap dance.

The waitress nods and winks before walking to get our orders.

Taking the bag of snow out of my pocket, I pour some over the table. Rolling up a hundred-dollar bill, I sniff the whole line in one go. Sniffing in the remaining powder around the tip of the bill.

My eyes roll back in satisfaction. My body instantly relaxed onto the chair. Suddenly, the club's light seems to be right on beat with the song that's playing.

There are times that I wish to just disappear. To truly not have to feel anything. To not have to carry all of the mistakes I've made over the years constantly with me. But the truth is that I deserve nothing more but to live with all those lives I've taken.. the life I had to take.

"I see you started without me." Mike takes a seat in front of me.

"You were busy." I squint and notice he's not alone, a pretty pink hair girl is accompanying him.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now