Chapter 29

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I groan with every hit I land. Smiling at the sound of his nose cracking. Blood trails down his face to the floor. I take a step back and admire my work. I smirk at nothing.

The man on the floor is well-known as Eli Betancourt. A higher rank dealer of mostly weapons and some drugs too. About five months ago we made a deal, he will buy from us exclusively. After all, we sell high-quality merchandise. But the fucker was caught making deals with Silvano's front and so here we are.

I lift the perky fucker by the collar of his now-stained red shirt, he flinches at my touch and I can't help but laugh. I love when these fuckers think they can cross me but as soon as they are caught, they are shaking in their boots.

His sandy hair is now wet and dark. He's only able to see from one eye as the other is swollen shut. I sit him down on the chair again and take a step back. I clean my hands with my shirt.

"Let's skip all the bullshit lies and talk about your lack of understanding." I walk towards the moldy wall and pick up my brass knuckles.

"So-sorry, It w-was stupid of m-me," he stutters and began hyperventilating when he sees what I'm holding.

I'd love to say I hate torturing people, I hate fighting and inflicting pain but I'd be lying. There's something calming about me being the cause of their regrets. Of their pain. Shit, I love the feeling of my own hands hurting. Of seeing blood escape my skin onto the floor. It satisfies me to know I caused myself physical pain. It numbs everything else I might be feeling inside.

I smile at the look of despair across his face. I probably shouldn't be here alone with him, I might kill the fucker instead of just roughing him up a little bit. I place a foot on the wall, leaning on it. I allow him to continue his cry and beg for mercy.

It's funny to me that it's always the same. They beg and cry like a child when they think they are going to die. It's disgusting.

Suddenly feeling irritated, I push myself off the wall and walk towards him. "I'll give you the mercy you seek before you piss on my floor." I look at him, his reaction one of relief.

Relief that doesn't last long when my brass knuckle connects with his face, knocking him out cold.

I drop the metal on the floor and exit the room, the smell of lavender invading my nostrils. I follow the smell, leading me to the front of the warehouse. Veronica lies on the black couch reading a book. I notice the fiery lights hanging around the frame of the door, illuminating a dime-yellow tone.

I practically growl, instantly Veronica closes her book and sits up from the cough, a small smile on her face. "You like?"

Is she for real?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" This is the first question I ask. "And what is all that," I point a finger where the lights are. "And what is that smell?" I scrunch my nose.

My sister lets out a sign before she got off the couch and walk towards me. She's calm as if this is normal for her. Like I always snap at her and she already figured out how to work around me.

"To answer your first question, I'm here because I was bored at home. I can't stand to live with aunty." She blows out air and goes back to smiling, "I want to live with you." She smiles big and wraps her hand around my shoulder.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now