Chapter 19

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Monday came by too quickly. I nearly threw my phone across the room when my alarm went off alerting me it was time to get up and go to class. I feel like I haven't slept much since Saturday when I was dropped off by Michael. I am so done playing his games. I will work my hardest to forget about him and move on with my life.

I mean, I told the guy his actions were hurting me and he stayed silent. What an asshole.

However, Michael isn't the only reason why I haven't been able to sleep well.. my stepdad texted me again. His messages keep getting more consistent and it's honestly making me nervous. Yesterday he sent me three text messages.

Trashdad: Why haven't you been answering me?

Trashdad: Hello

Trashdad: Your mother has been worried about you, maybe I should head over there to check on you. For her, of course.

It was that last text message that made me sweat. I panicked at the thought of seeing him again. Of him being near me. I for sure know my mother doesn't care that much and if she even said anything it must have been influenced by him. I sent him a quick message back just to make sure he doesn't come here.

Me: All is well, just busy with school. No need to check on me.

Doing my morning routine of showering, brushing my hair, and finding some cute comfortable clothes, I grabbed my bag and headed to my class. Hoping Michael shows up for class. Stop thinking about him.

The professor looks as hot as he always does. All the girls in the room ogling his every move, I am one of those girls. It should be a crime to hire young, hot professors.

Breaking me from the trance I was in, I wondered when Michael came into the class. But of course, he's probably have been here for two minutes, and his already whispering sweet nothings to another of his hook up, Angie. Rolling my eyes, I turn to face the hot professor hoping he will be a big enough distraction.

The class passed by rather quickly, which I'm thankful for. I'm annoyed and hungry. The two don't mix so I gather my stuff quickly and plan on heading to my favorite cafe.

"Don't tell me you're falling in love with the professor." Michael's deep voice came from behind me, close enough for me to feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, which sends a chill down my spine.

Turning around to face him, "so what if I am."

A face takes place on his face. He's amused. Entertained. Which I hate. I am not his amusement. Before he can even speak again, I turn around and head out.

Clinching my jaw when I feel him behind me, I don't turn around or acknowledge him. That is until I'm standing in line at the cafe and there's no way I can avoid him when his stare is so penetrating.

"Can I help you?" My voice sharp and my eyes avoided his.

"You're ignoring me." It wasn't a question, more of an absorption.

"Yeah, no shit caption obvious." I roll my eyes and walk a few steps forward as the line shortens for me.

"Why?" His face filled with actual confusion.

What. The. Fuck. Is he serious? I look at him, really look at him. His perfect face, not one pimple in sight. Lucky asshole. His defined jaw, perfect straight nose, juicy lips, straight white teeth, and a set of full dark lashes. Who can he be so perfect, yet so stupid? Well stupid when he wants to be.

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