Chapter 9

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I can't do it. I'm having an inward battle with myself.
No matter how hard I'm trying to break away, I can't. I can taste the euphoria on his tongue. His taste is addicting.

Why can't I think straight? Every time he is near I don't see anytime but him. Stop it, Maia.

We almost took it too far, I couldn't come to my senses. Thankfully he broke the kiss, the kiss I was so hungry for. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have happened... I mean I couldn't force myself to break away.

But how could I sleep with him when I had just been with Danny not even an hour prior? I was about to be that girl. The girl that sleeps around. Because I really believe that if he wouldn't back away, I wouldn't have stopped him.

After devouring each other in the most passionate, deepest kiss that had my knees weak, Michael pushed himself off of me. Backing away, leaving my lips feeling lonely. I can't forget the lust in his eyes though. I could feel the fire that was burning inside of him. I felt it too.

How can he switch up so fast? Not even 3 seconds ago all I could see was his desire, and just as he blinked it was gone. The desire was replaced with coldness, nothingness. His coldness made my heart drop. I could feel him regretting everything. I can't even lie by saying it didn't hurt me. But his words hurt me more.

Michael looks at me for a second before diverting his eyes to something behind me. Turning to see what he was looking at, I see Danny standing by the bathroom door, confusion on his face.

"You might want to keep your bitch under lock and key, she might fuck someone else," Michael said before walking out of the door.

I hate him. I fucking hate him.

Danny walks to me and I'm wondering if he saw anything. How long has he been standing there? Is he mad at me? Does he believe him?

Danny grabs my towel and wrapped it around me. I had forgotten I was still naked.

"I- thank you" I whispered looking at the floor, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" His eyes are desperately looking for reassurance.

Just my feelings.

"N-no. He didn't hurt me but he an asshole" I stated the fact.

Giving me a hug he let me dress and walked back to his room. I honestly feel like it's best if I leave. How could I stay the night when I just kissed someone else right after I had Danny finger-fucking me? I'm disgusted.

"Are you not going to ask me why he was in the bathroom?" I asked him nervously.

Danny sat on his bed, passing his fingers to his hair. "Listen, I don't wanna question you. I have no right. It sucked seeing him there, gave me the wrong impression but your a free woman and I will not lash out on jealousy even if I want nothing more than to beat his ass. "

"Do you want me to take you to your dorm?"

If I didn't feel like shit before, I definitely do now. Why is he so good to me? I don't deserve him. I need to be better. I need to stay away from Michael.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now