Chapter 17

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For the past hour, my friends and I have been dancing until our legs were tired and we decided to sit by the leather booth in the corner of the club. It's safe to say that Linda has gotten along with both Alyssa and Melody. I had no doubt she would charm them, as her personality makes her very likable.

Our drinks make a cling nose as all four glasses smack against each other for the sake of cheers.

"Are you ladies ready for another hour of dancing?" Alyssa yells, her tone almost childlike.

"Yes!" We all say in unison.

Downing the rest of my drink, I get up to follow the girls. Our bodies sway left and right and our laughter is muted by the loud music. It doesn't take long before I feel a heavy hand on my side, startling me. My head snaps to my right to see a vaguely familiar face.

"Hey, nice to see you again." The tall masterpiece of a man says to me. His voice was husky and the smell of whisky filled my nostrils.

"Oh, hi. You're that dude I saw once on campus. The one who broke my phone." I half-joke.

His head hangs back when he lets out a sexy laugh, "that would be me. I don't know your phone broke or else I would have given you mine for the inconvenience."

Something about his words makes me blush, thankfully the club lights won't tell on me.

"Don't worry about it, I needed a new phone anyways." Not a complete lie but I would of rather not have had to waste the time and money on a phone.

"Well, wanna dance?" His breath tickles the skin underneath my ear causing goosebumps all over my skin.

I nod and send him a smile. Not long after our bodies start to move in sync.


"All I'm saying is that if the guy was really interested in you he wouldn't have left you alone," Linda argues back with Melody who is telling the story about Michael kissing her and then leaving her hanging.

To say I'm annoyed would be an understatement. I was hoping Melody would get over Michael by now. I can feel my blood boil every time she talks about how cute and hot he is and how he kisses so good. Alyssa's eyes haven't left me either, I know she's silently condemning me for not telling Melody the truth. In all fairness what can I even say? It's not like Michael and I are official or even a thing really. He was the guy that took my virginity, yes, and we also fucked a second time in his car but if anything it seems like I'm just another hook-up. Also, even thinking about him and our situation makes me sad. So, sue me for not wanting to speak about it with someone who is also melting for the guy.

"Anyways, who was that you were dancing with Maia?" Alyssa speaks, killing the back-and-forth the girls were having.

"Oh, I didn't catch his name but I met him once on campus when he bumped into me," I say, taking a gulp of my third drink of the night.

"Oh I saw him from the back, seemed hot," Linda adds.

"Yeah, he's cute but I'm interested in someone else."

As soon as those words left my mouth, I wanted to kick myself. And as expected all eyes were on me and the excitement on both Melody's and Linda's faces tells me I made the biggest mistake of my life

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now