Chapter 25

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As soon as Martin spoke about me being the date Michael nearly launched at him again. Thankfully his sister saw it coming and excused themself. She practically had to drag him out.

I wasn't able to fully focus on Martin's attempt at conversation so I gave him the notes he needed and told him I'd think about being his date for the party.

Reaching Alyssa's room, I knock once and she opens the door not even a second after.

"Going somewhere?" I give her a questioning look.

"Ah, what are you doing here?" She looks at me wide-eyed.

"Well we were supposed to meet in about an hour but I figured I come hang out with my bestie meanwhile." My brows furrow when I hear a bang coming from inside her room.

Alyssa swallows hard and I raise a brow in confusion.

"Are you going to invite me in or?" I cross my arms and lean again the door frame.

"Right, I would but you see I have to finish this assignment that's due in 30 minutes, and um, you will distract me if I let you in." Her voice shakes and she turns to face something behind the door.

Knowing her too well I know she's hiding something and since I'm her best friend and we aren't supposed to have a secret, I push open the door and walk past her.

My jaw nearly hits the floor when I see why she was so nervous. A half-naked Danny is hiding right behind the door. Both hands hide his dick.

I look between both Danny and Alyssa. The shock was clearly written all over my face. I feel so awkward at this moment.

I take in my best friend's appearance. She's wearing a sports bra and underwear. How I didn't put two and two together before busting in here is beyond me. I can't deny I'm too naive sometimes.

"I-I can explain." Alyssa stutters.

I shake my head, "Oh God no, there's nothing neither of you needs to explain! I shouldn't have busted in here."

"No, you can bust in here whenever." Both Danny and Alyssa say in union.

"I mean, she's your best friend." He explains, still looking pale.

"Maybe you should get dressed." Alyssa tells Danny. Embarrassment all over their face.

"Yes right." He sped to the corner where he has thrown his clothes.

I make sure to give him my back to give him some privacy to change. My bestie is looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Why are you so nervous? I should be the one horrified I just busted in here and interrupted your moment." I give her a light laugh to try and lighten the mood.

"We need to talk." She whispers.

My heart skips a beat or two. I hate those words. My mind can't stop itself from going to places that scare me. But I nod in agreement.

"Of course. I'll meet you you downstairs in 30 minutes or do you need more time?"

"No, 30 minutes is fine. I'll see you soon." Alyssa chews on her nails. A nervous tick she has.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now