Chapter 15

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I hurt her feelings. The look on her face once those words left my mouth did something to my heart. With teary eyes, Maia walked away from me. Taking a deep breath, I followed her. I don't know why I even followed her. What could I have said to make this situation better? Honestly, nothing. Plus I didn't lie. Maybe it was my words were cruel, but they weren't lies.

The night Maia and I fucked, was more special than I care to admit. I was gentle which is not something anyone has gotten from me before. I fuck, I don't make love or any of that bullshit. I love pounding my cock into someone's pussy. I love to hear my balls slapping their ass. I'm just not a gentle guy.

Having her around my cock felt like fucking heaven. I realized she was a virgin when I saw a small amount of blood on the sheets and around my dick. I should have known from how tight she was but I waved it off as she probably just hadn't had sex in a while or maybe her pussy is just tight. Which I'm sure will be her case anyway. I was selfish. I should have walked away when the thought even occurred to me. I'm not good enough to be her first.

Maia shoulder-bumped everyone she crossed paths with and I had to fight a smile at seeing her small frame moving people twice her size out of the way. She's beautiful.

I was almost about to just grab her arm and beg her to forgive me for being so vulgar when she bumped into some guy. His eyes automatically fell on the too-short and revealing dress that hugged her body perfectly. His eyes grew dark and I knew this motherfucker just wanted to hit it. He smiled at her and before I could even blink, Maia grabbed the fuckers face with two hands and kissed him. I was mad, but I saw red once his hand made its way to her ass.

Without even thinking what I was doing, I grabbed the MP-444 from my waistline, immediately aiming the motherfucker in the head. The little bitch opened his eyes and stepped away from Maia, upon hearing the people surrounding us running out, screaming even.

Maia turned around to face me, her eyes wide and fear taking over her face. However, I didn't stand down. I don't know why I'm this pissed out but I could kill him for even looking at my girl.

"Fucking touch her again and I'll put a bullet between your eyes."

The music was loud, but Maia's gasp was louder. Seeing the fear in her eyes made my mouth run dry. I quickly divert my eyes back to the bitch that touched my girl, his face pale with fear. I lower the gun as he runs out with the rest of the people in the club. I wasn't going to actually shoot him but I was hoping to have a little more fun than just seeing him nearly piss himself.

Returning my gun back to the waistline of my pants, I noticed Maia walking toward me. Knowing what was coming, I gripped her wrist before her hand could make contact with my face. She pulled her arm away from my grip and I happily let her go.

"What the fuck Michael?! Are you crazy?!" Tears continue to fall from her face one after the other.

I scuffed before making my way out of the building. I can't stand to see her cry but I will not apologize for doing what I did. Plus, I need to get out before the cops come. I hear Maia's heels clicking on the floor, her breathing is heavy, and the amount of curse words that are coming out of her mouth isn't going to get her a ticket to heaven.

I ignore the raging beauty, which only got her angry. As I'm reaching the exit door, I hear the police sirens getting closer to the club, "hurry up Maia before we get caught." She scuffs at my demand but shortly after she's next to me. I grab her soft hand and take the ally way two buildings down, away from the club.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now