Chapter 22

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Michael and I have been spending a lot of time together. He has invited me out a couple of times to get coffee and doughnuts, which I recently learned are his favorite breakfast food. Every time he invites me out I can't help but fall a little bit more for him. He's been so sweet to me and only me, no one else is getting his attention.

Tonight we are going to a restaurant. I've tried to ask him which one but he says it's a surprise and to be ready at 8 pm. I walk down the hall waving a few hellos as a few classmates I know and quickly continue to pat dry my hair with the towel just as I get into my room.

Drying my hair with the blow dryer, I stretch to reach for some mascara. Hoping to do two things at a time since I only have fifteen minutes to get ready and I already earned myself a spanking the other day for making him way five mins.

Leaving my hair between humid and dry, I rush to find something to wear. Since Michael did tell me the dress myself, I figure I'll just wear a black casual dress, a jean jacket, and some black and white Vans.

Applying some lipgloss and running to get my purse, I hurry out the door, ignoring Michael's second phone call.

"Must you girls always take forever to get ready?" Is the first thing he says as I hop in the car and close the door. I can't help but notice that the question isn't really a question but more of a statement, which has me feeling jealous about the insist I remember he had a girlfriend before me.

How stupid is it for me to get a little hurt at the memory of Michael having had a relationship before me? I mean we aren't officially together... but, I'd like to be.

"You look beautiful." His sweet words snapped me back from my petty thoughts and feelings.

I send him a smile, "where are we going?" I asked while searching for my phone.

"Somewhere I haven't taken you yet." He grinds, sending butterflies to my stomach.

I can't help but admire him. Sitting comfortably with my hand on the steering wheel and the other on my legs. Wearing a medium Cuban chain that sits right on top of his collarbone. The black shirt his wearing exposes a little bit of his chest just enough to make me want to get him naked and suck him. No matter what Michael wears, he always looks good. Before I tell him to pull over so I can have him inside of me, my dirty thoughts are cut off by the ping of my phone, alerting me of s new text message.

I unlock my phone and open my messages app.

Two messages. One from Alyssa and another from an unknown number.

My stomach went into a knot.. could it be my stepdad? Maybe he got a new number.

I open the message hesitantly and let out a sigh of relief when I see it's not him.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Martin from psych class. I asked Alyssa for your number. I was wondering if you want to meet up for lunch tomorrow.

Trying to make memory, I recall who he is. Martin sits on the opposite side of me. I didn't know he even notices me from all the way over there. 

Me: Oh hey, yeah I'm free tomorrow. Do you need notes or something?

Almost immediately I get a text back but before I could open and read it Michael huffs and puffs.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now