Chapter 13

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Heartbreak is what I've been feeling ever since that day. The betrayal of my friends and Michael really hurt me. I can't even remember how many nights I cried; mostly for him. Danny and I had a thing, yes but I was most affected because of our friendship. I found out a few days later from 

Alyssa that she and he have been on and off for a while. They weren't in an exclusive relationship but apparently, it was mostly because Danny didn't want anything serious. However, she didn't really know about Danny and me. She catches on to our glancings and how he looked at me but it wasn't like we told her we also had a thing. In conclusion, he played us both in a way.

Alyssa and I have been hanging out again. We have become a lot closer too and our friend group grew when she introduced me to a few of her other friends and I introduced her to Melody, the girl from the library. She turned out to be a wild cat, loves to drink, and loves to party.

Alyssa mostly has been looking sad, she won't tell me why but I have a feeling it's because of the whole Danny situation. I did apologize to her about what happened though not really my fault I still feel the need to tell her how sorry I am. Danny blew up my phone for the first 2 weeks or so, I ignored him until I had enough and sent him a lengthy message telling him how fucked up he was in doing this to us, and to Alyssa. He ruined our friendship and broke my friend's heart. 

Eventually, he texted and called less and less, even walking the other way when he would see me on campus, good.

Besides going out to eat, shop, and even party, Alyssa has a sad look in her eyes- one she tries to mask with laughter and talking about boys, but deep down I know she's hurting a lot more than she wants Danny. I think she loves him.

Sophia recently moved out of our dorm, thank god. It was hard to live with the death stares and the snarky remarks about how I ruined her and Michael's 'relationship'. Obviously, the lass is delusional because there was never a relationship between them; or rather him and anyone. 

Expanding my group of friends meant I got to learn about some people, Michael of course being one of them. It's all speculation, thus why I will take it with a grain of salt but I fully believe he isn't relationship material.

The first few days after Michael and I had sex, he didn't show up to class. I'd be lying if I said I was glad, no. It actually hurt me more he was clearly avoiding me. Breaking my heart again when I saw him making out near my favorite cafe with the redhead girl I met in the bathroom a while back. The same girls' dorm I once saw him coming out of. She wasn't the only one I saw him with though, there were many more. My head broke each time.

But nothing had hurt me more than a few days ago when I went to a party that of course he attended too. For a second time, I caught him balls deep in a burnet. Both eyes snapped my way at the sound of the bathroom door opening, neither of them cared about my presence, in fact, they both continued on with fucking. Her moans were irritatingly loud but his eyes still bore over me. My face hot and eyes full of tears I let out a pathetic sob before slamming the door and flying downstairs to look for a drink or four.

That night I got the drunkest I've ever been, I danced without a care in the world and had a make-out session with some guy whose name I don't remember. But I do remember Michael sending the nameless guy flying back, stumbling into dancing people. Grabbing my hand and leading me out of the party, I struggled to keep up with his pace. My knees folded at one point but he grabbed me before I touched the floor.

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