Chapter 11

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It's been two weeks since that night at the small gathering. I've been focusing a lot on school lately, barely giving myself any time off to have fun. Alyssa and Danny have both invited me out clubbing, to eat, or to the mall, all of which I've kindly rejected. Besides, I feel like I need to make sure that I'm all good in school. Lately, I've been struggling in my psychology class. Mr.Cruz has been so nice thus far with taking some after-class to explain things.

Besides avoiding my friends I'm especially trying to avoid Sophia. I've been lucky so far, I haven't seen my roommate much. I don't know if she doesn't come home at all or maybe she comes super late and wakes up super early. Who knows, but I'm not complaining. I feel awkward having to see her after what had happened at that stupid party.

Michael ran after me to "make sure I'm okay" Yeah whatever. If he cared so much about my feeling or my state of mind then why the hell put me on the spot? I stepped closer to him to give him a piece of my mind but seeing as his nose was bleeding I couldn't help but worry instead. Wiping away his blood with my thumb, I started to get teary-eyed at the sight of him being hurt. This is too much for one night. Taking my hand away from his face I turned in my heels and bolted away from him.  

I've been doing really good staying away from him. I mostly just see him in class and sometimes when I go to get lunch. He, however, doesn't spare me a second glance.

Danny called me nonstop. After a shit ton of unanswered missed calls, I decided to answer when he called again. A lot of apologies left my mouth. I decided to tell Danny the truth over the phone about what had happened between Michael and me. I know having this talk over the phone might seem shitty but the amount of anxiety I was feeling wouldn't have allowed me to do it in person. He listened deeply and told me it was okay. But I could hear the hurt in his voice. However, he didn't scream at me or made me feel like shit, I appreciate him for that.

So why am I avoiding him if we talked it out? Because I'm embarrassed honestly, I don't know why he doesn't think the worst about me but I feel like he should. I shouldn't have been carried away and kissed Michael that day, especially after Danny and I just had a moment.

I'm avoiding Alyssa also out of embarrassment. What if Danny told her what happened? I mean they seem to be best friends so I would be surprised. I also wouldn't blame him for telling her. I just don't want her to think low of me. I feel like a shitty person. I don't deserve them at all.

A few days later in school, I heard about Danny punching Michael, which explained His bloody nose. There were some people also talking about me and how they put two and two together and figured I had sex with Danny and with Michael the same day and that's why Danny hit Michael. It's only been a few months of school and I already have a rumor going around.


Today is Saturday and I'm really bored. I finished all my homework and I've even studied for my next exam. With nothing to do, I decided to just go out for lunch myself.

Throwing on some shorts and an oversized shirt, I make my way out of the dorm. Bypassing the redhead I had met a while ago in the bathroom, I wave her goodbye. She smiles at me and waves back. She's so nice, I thought to myself.

There are a lot of people out right now, most are hanging out with their friends, others are studying by the trees, and others are making their way to my favorite campus cafe La Unica Cafe.

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