Chapter 30

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I've never felt so terrified in my life. As I stand in front of the man I love, I cannot recognize him. My eyes are focused on the two men on the floor while his gun is pointed at my head. They don't move or breathe. They are dead. They are fucking dead. Killed. Killed by the man I love.

It takes Michael a few seconds to recognize me, instantly lowing his gum and standing. His attempts to reach for me caused me to flinch and move backward. His face was no longer fueled with anger. The moment he realized it was me, his expression went blank, but not before I saw a glint of guilt surface.

As a result of what I saw, I'm in shock, so much so that I do not even hear Michael speak. I only look at him when I can feel him shaking me. I stare at him, attempting to read his lips. But I can't. I can't focus. My eyes are drawn back to the dead men. A pool of dark liquid surrounds one of them.

Michael lets go of me and pace back and forth, desperately bringing his hands to his head.

I walk towards the man who just experienced the most brutal beating ever. My knees gave up on me the moment I see his face. Even though the poor lighting in this alleyway, I can still see all the blood. Crimson droplets fall onto the concrete. I'm sure you don't usually hear the sound of blood dropping, but I do. I hear every drop slap the floor next to me.

My hand hesitantly reaches out to the man. My fingers shake as they make their way to his neck. Slapping a hand over my mouth when I find a pulse.

My eyes are fixed on Michael as I stand in front of him. "He-he is breathing!" I shout. My tears fall like a constant waterfall, even though I feel a small sort of relief knowing he's alive.

Michael looks over to the man right next to my legs, but soon after brings his gaze back to me, pulling me in for a hug, and though I'm hesitant I allow him to swallow me in an embrace.

"I'm sorry baby." His words were a whisper in my ear. I attempt to pull away so I can look at him. I want to ask why he would do something like this. But as I try to pull away he only hugs me harder.

My body jumps on its own at the loud sound of a gunshot. I freeze in his arms for a moment. Michael attempts to pull me away but I put up a fight. I kick and scream and swing my arms in all directions until he backs away from me. I choke on my sobs, looking at the cruel man standing in front of me.

I fell next to the man who was still breathing for a moment. This time there's no pulse, instead, there's a bullet hole between his eyes.

" Why?" I scream out, " You're a fucking monster!" I spit out the words with as much venom as I can.

Hurt flashes through Michael's face, but it is soon replaced by a very scary blank expression. Seconds later, he's dragging me further down the alley where I can't see the two men anymore.

"Let me go!" I scream, kicking my legs to the ground.

"For fuck sake, Maia, stop." He groans and lets go of me. He presses a finger on his temple.

I look at him in disgust. "Stop? Are you fucking serious?" I shake my head in disbelief.

I walk over to the musty wall, placing my forehead on the cold, wet surface.

"Why are you here?" He asks and I turn around to face him. His fingers moved fast on the screen of the phone.

"No, why are you here?" I questioned him.

He exhales exasperatedly and stares at his phone. He doesn't even bother to answer me before he walks back to where the bodies are. I yell out behind him, chasing him inside the club. The loud music makes my thoughts jumble up. Half-naked women came into view seconds later and I couldn't even hear myself gasp.

Michael isn't even fazed by the fact that I just caught him hanging around naked women. Instead, he keeps going not even paying attention to any of the girls who try to stop him. When he finally stops, I see him talking to two guys. One of them is familiar, but the other I have never seen. They seem to be discussing back and forth something eventually all three guys turn my way. On a normal occasion, I would smile and wave hello but right now, I hate them all just about the same.

Well no, not the same. I hate Michael the most.

They all nodded to each other. Mike waves off the stripper on his lap. I see Michael and the stranger making their way toward me. Not a single word is spoken. He just grabs my arm and drags me out. Pulling me back out to the alleyway. Immediately, my eyes are drawn to the two dead men.

Michael's friend cleared his throat before speaking. "I'll take care of them. Take her home."

I laugh and push Michael off me. "To hell if I go anywhere with a fucking murder." I spit out.

"Stop acting so fucking difficult and let's go." He grabs my arms once again, this time a bit firmer. He practically drags me to his car. No matter how much I screamed no one came to help.

Once we reach his car, I can't help but break down once again. My sobs choked me once again.

"Please," I choke out.

Michael's face softens and he reaches for my chin. Lifting my face to face him. "I will never hurt you, baby." He places a gentle kiss on my lips and I can't help but believe him.


The car ride was filled with tension and silence. The two of us did not say a single word. Honestly, I couldn't focus on anything but the faces of the two men in the alleyway. I instantly felt the bile rise in my throat. I slap a hand over my mouth, but I can't seem to make the feeling go away.

"Stop the car." I croaked out.

Michael looks at me and does as I say. As soon as the car comes to a stop, I open the door. However, I don't even make it fully out of the vehicle before I begin to throw my guts out. Every single time I think I'm done, the image of the men flashes freshly in my mind and I can't help but throw up again.

Michael exits the car and speeds my way, attempting to grab my hair or do something to help me but I scrum out of reach. "Don't fucking touch me." I breathe out before emptying my stomach once more.

"Why are you being so difficult?" He grits out through his teeth and lands a frustrated punch on the hood of the car.

I jump from the noise, my heart pounding, and the urge to get away from him overwhelms me. I look up to see him. His face fluctuates between no expression and one of guilt or maybe concern. A new strand of tears threatened to leave my eyes but I blink them away.

"I can't do this anymore." I can't bring myself to look at him after saying those words. My heart breaks because I'm being too honest right now. The murders go beyond any petty dispute, disagreement, or argument. I don't think I can look past it.

Michael stares at me, his jaw clean and his fist white. "I know." is all he says.

His lack of emotions caused my heart to crack into millions of pieces. I allow myself to cry. An awful wrenching sound escaped from my throat. Right now my world was crashing and I permitted myself to feel it.

I gripped the material on his shirt as he hugged me. His touch is gentle and I can tell he is hurt by my decision but at least he isn't selfish enough to not let me go. Though at this moment I wish he was. I guess a part of me wanted him to talk me out of leaving. I was hoping he would tell me any excuse that would justify his actions. Shit, I wanted him to beg me not to leave. But instead, I'm met with a selfless brick who I know is only agreeing because it's what's best for me.

"I love you," I tell him, still wrapped in his arms.

"I love you too, baby."

My world burns and I let it. I let it burn.


End of this book! Book two will be coming soon <3 expect a lot of Michael's POV.
Thanks for reading <3

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