Chapter 27

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I put my jacket around Maia in an attempt to cover her exposed body. Once everyone realized the fight was over, they quickly scurried away. I look at my girl, a ping of anger surfacing at the sign of a scratch u dear her eye and busted lip. Though Sophia got it worst, the fact that Maia still got hurt bothered me.

I wipe some of the blood from her lip off with my thumb to no avail since it quickly bled again. I sigh and shake my head at my girl. Disappointed she felt the need to fight, but proud that she stood her ground. I wasn't there for the beginning of the fight, but knowing Sophia I know it was her fault somehow. Not that if Maia would have started it I'd feel different. Shit, Maia can kill a dog and I'll still kiss the ground she walks.

I walk her to my room, instantly feeling concerned when she looks pale. As she walks through the door, she drops everything and sprints to my bathroom, locking the door behind her.

I've been listening to her throw up for a solid 5 minutes now. No matter how many times I've knocked, she won't open the door. Announce rises threw me, and I give her a warning that if she doesn't open the fucking door, I will kick it off the hinges.

A few seconds later I hear her call me an asshole and unlock the door. Sitting next to the toilet, her head leans back, eyes closed. She looks like shit.

"Are you pregnant?" The question alone made me nervous. I swallowed the lump that was building in my throat.

No answer but an eye roll.

"Fucking answer me or ill—"

"You'll what, hmm?" She turns to face me. I don't think I've ever seen her this serious before. She makes me fucking horny.

She rolls her eyes when she notes my quietness. "I'm not pregnant. Happy?"

I felt relieved but not necessarily happy. "Yes." That is all I say.

I lean again the bathroom door and study her appearance. I'm just realizing what she's wearing. An oversize shirt, that's all. No shoes, no pants, just the shirt. A guy's shirt.

My jaw clenches and my fist balls up, "where were you?" I ask her, my tone blanked from emotion.

Maia doesn't look at me, "I got drunk last night with Alyssa and when I left I didn't notice I enter the boy's dorm building, I fell and had a laughing attack and some kind asshole helped me, and allowed me to sleep in his room."

I punch the wall. Not once, not twice, but three fucking times. The sound made Maia jump.

I walk away from here and pace the room, unsure of what to do, or how to feel. My imagination runs wild, thoughts of her fucking someone else make me see red and I go crazy looking for something to calm me down.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Crossing her arms she stands in front of my dresser.

"Get the fuck out." Grit out, walking to the other dresser.

"What the fuck, calm down. You asked me a question and I answered it. Would you had prefer a lie?" With that I turn to face her, speeding towards her I see her flinch when I bring my face close to her. "Did you fuck him?" I asked bluntly.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now