chapter thirty-one

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Flaire looked at all the evidence files with her face scrunched up; she figured out her dad's case within two weeks.

Once she got her dad out, she would sue the police department also. 

She and Keygan were currently on their way to Brat's house, it was time to get a lawyer, and she was grateful she knew a great one. 

"It's this house? Damn, Brat." Keygan said, looking at the big ass house they had. 

Flaire pulled out her phone to call Brat; she answered on the first ring, making Flaire laugh.

"Why are you always in my head? I was literally about to click on your contact; I miss you, BFF." Desiree said with her feet in the air. "It's boring back home." 

"I miss you too; I was calling because I sent you something. The package at your front door." 

"Ooou, I love gifts, and you know that!" Brat ran out of her room down the stairs. 

Flaire walked to the front door standing there waiting to hear the locks as soon as Desiree opened the door, she screamed, jumping on her. She hugged her so tightly, making Flaire laugh; she was so dramatic. 

"I love this for me." Brat smiled, hugging Keygan. "Mommy's going to be so happy." 

She grabbed her hand, rushing her into the house. "Mommy's guess who's here."

"Hey, Blaire, baby." Tomika said with her back turned. "I didn't know you were coming this week."

"Mommy, turn." 

"Oh, my Flaire Bear and Key!" She smiled, dropping her spoon to hug them. "Y'all finally visiting; thank God she acts like she can't breathe without you."

"She's very needy." Flaire rolled her eyes mockingly. 

"Oh, please." Brat waved her off.

"I also came here for Leval. Is he here?" 

"Yeah, he's in his office. He doesn't like to be disturbed, but we'll disturb him anyway." Tomika smiled as they all walked to his office.

"Baby?" Tomika called out, knocking on the door.

"Yes, mi amour?" He asked, waiting for her to open the door. "Flaire and Keygan." 

"Wassup, man?" Keygan dabbed him up after he hugged Flaire. 

"How long are y'all staying with us for? Let's show you around." Leval smiled.

"That's no problem, but I came here to talk to you." She said, making him furrow his eyebrows as she dug in her bag, pulling out an envelope which he took seeing hundreds of dollars. "That's only two thousand, and I know your rate is almost ten times that, but I was hoping you would give a family discount until I have the rest."

"Mi amour, what's wrong?" He grabbed her hand. 

"Flaire, what happened? You ran into some trouble?" Tomika asked, getting worried. 

Flaire pulled out the manilla folders, which held the trial transcripts and all the evidence of her mother's case.

"My dad didn't kill my mom." She told him. "My dad finally told me the truth of everything, and I requested the case files to see if I can get him out of jail."

"What? That's what Genesis was hiding?" Brat asked. "Wow, I'm sorry, BFF." 

"Detective Jonas shot my dad first, then my mom then killed himself. They didn't thoroughly investigate the case, so I would also like to sue the police department." 

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