Going out

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Liela drug me all around the base as if I were her handbag. It was a most unpleasant feeling and I had the thought I would rather be my strange self than a regular girl if this was the outcome. By this time Liela was a slightly more trusted person in the group than I was. Which was fine by me considering I couldn't be trusted. Despite her dragging me about I knew she wa actually terrified of me, as she should be. I had heard some of the members warning her of some of the things I had done the look of horror on her face at the mentions were photographed in my mind forever. I briefly wondered where we were going but soon the question was answered as we stood in front of Pain's office door. I looked over at her lazily.

"You wish to come to the leaders office? Knowing full well that he could snap you in two like a twig if he disliked whatever idea you have?" Her bottom lip trembled under my harsh words but unwavering gaze. Then she looked at me, a small hope in her eyes.

"He might not if I have you by my side." She squeaked in an irritatingly high voice. I rolled my eyes.

"What makes you think something such as that?" If he decides to kill you what makes you think I would do anything to stop him especially if you're making such irritating voices." The girl trembled again as she looked at the ground.

"Um....Because you said you'd take care of me." My lips instantly flattened further than usual. I had said that and I had meant it as well. I nonchalantly waved a hand toward the door and I saw a small smile grace her lips as she opened the door to pain's office. Pain looked up at us as we walked in, her pushing me from behind as she was latched onto my arm. Pain's eyebrow rose at the scene and I thought I saw a flicker of amusement cross his features.

"Um....Pain-Sama, I was wondering if Aiko-Sama and I could go out today." He stared blankly at the girl; his thinking face. Aiko rolled her eyes again.

"Pain, what the girl meant to say was we are going out today." I corrected her. I hadn't known what she was going to ask but now that I do I find it amusing she thought to ask pain. I suppose it was reasonable considering she was still a prisoner but she was my prisoner. Pain smiled a tiny bit at what he knew no doubt was me telling and not asking him.

"Fine then but I would reccomend a binding jutsu." My eyes narrowed at him.

"Been there, done that, might go back." I said the last bit thoughtfully. looking at the girl. I had put the binding jutsu on her the first day, I suppose I should reinforce it now that its been a week or so. Time occasionally slips me by when I'm training on my kekkei genkai. Especially with the new technique I was attempting at creating.

We shut his door as we exited and she led me to where she had thought the exit was. It was actually on the other side of the base. But today was a lazy day for me so I blew a hole through the wall. I really didn't feel like walking all the way back to the door. I stepped through first while Liela stood behind me freaking out over the damage. Her annoying voice was really beginning to grind on my patience. "You follow and shut your mouth." She nodded meekly.


Liela continued chattering on as I silently walked despite my earlier warning. apparently she thought there was a time-out on my demands or some such other thing that permitted her to continue speaking after a short while had passed and my irritation fades to indifference. I took a deep breathe to help steady my nerves but it did no such thing as she squealed suddenly. I shook out Hono and slid my other hand along its length slowly transforming it. I held Hono, now a newly transformed scythe to her neck with narrowed eyes.

"Girl, one more word and you'll be choking on your own blood. Do you understand or do you need an example." The terror in her eyes made me grin. Suddenly I heard a shuffle of leaves. I jumped back in time to avoid a flurry of Kunai aimed at my back. Hono's form dissipated as I dropped the concentration in favor of finding my attacker.

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