We're off to see the Hokage

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I bowed in front of the elderly man and put pressure to Liela's neck until she too bowed. We waited until he gave a signal before straightening our posture back out. He looked us over before turning to Kakashi Hatake and gestured him over where they began conferring in whispered tones. The Hokage had already told the others to leave so he could discuss what they would do with us. Liela looked at me with big and frightened eyes I did my best to smile gently at her. I noted that Kakashi watched us like a hawk during our exchange as he continued to discuss us to the Hokage. Suddenly he bowed then poofed away and we were left staring at the elder as he smoked his pipe. He looked at us with sharp brown eyes; examining us before he smiled heartily. 

"Kakashi will be right back. He will explain everything and give you a tour of the village. I understand however that you want to be a ninja? You will have to go through immense training at our school and-"

"Please! I would like to be on the team with Kakashi-Sensei and Sakura, Naruto, as well as Sasuke." It ground my nerves but I managed to get down on my knees and without so much as a twitch of my face and pleaded him to allow me on their current team. He stared at me a long time before he glanced at Liela. 

"Rise child. I would say yes but what about your younger sister? As I recall from Kakashi's telling neither of your parents are in the picture." He stared pity into Liela and my eyes which truly pissed me off. As if I needed a mans pity. I veiled my expression and pleaded even more as I stayed on my knees. "I can take her with me or I will find a babysitter. You don't have to worry so please, please allow me onto their team." My entire face burned with anger but mostly shame. For me to be doing this was extremely embarrassing. I shut my eyes against my own embarrassment just as Kakashi poofed back. I could feel his gaze on my form. Liela shook me to get me to stand.

"Akari Onee-chan Kashi-Sensei is back c'mon stand up." I didn't move and I heard the Hokage and Kakashi begin whispering yet again.

"Please stand child, I really have no other choice but to allow you as long as you properly take care of your sister. I cannot accurately say how well you may manage this since you both seem as well taken care of as you could be traveling from the lightening country all this way. Kakashi says he will gladly allow you refuge in his home." The way Kakashi whipped his head toward the Hokage told me he hadn't until he was volunteered. I looked at Liela and she was staring at me with a curious look on her face.

"You hear that, Levi Kakashi-Sensei is letting us live at his house. Now you can take baths every day." Her eyes widened and she looked at Kakashi I could see he wanted to correct what I had just said but Liela jumped on him, effectively silencing that notion. She kissed him on his cheek and I had brief flash back to Sasori's assault on me. My face burned anew and when I looked up Kakashi was staring at me intensely as if trying to place where he might have seen me before. I bowed deeply to him. "Thank you Sensei for your hospitality. I will not make you regret your decision in and out of the field." He nodded jerkily and paused.

"You must know that despite what the Hokage has told you. I choose my students based on a certain aspect they must have. And considering this is unexpected and I have already tested the others, I have no other way to test you." Liela looked at me from over his shoulder she understood what that meant. I could feel my face begin to crack. 

"I see, well I'm sure we can figure out something along the way to our place yea?" I smiled cheerily at him, or at least I tried my best. It's hard pretending to be normal. He blanched and nodded sharply then motioned with a jerk of his head to the door. I bowed to the Hokage again before saying goodbye.

~ ~

Liela immediately ran in when Kakashi unlocked the door to his apartment. Apparently the Hokage gave Kakashi and a few other ninja bigger apartments than typically needed in case something like this were to take place. When I walked in the first thing I noticed was the sparse furniture and the space it invited. My mind winked with possibilities. I rushed in after Liela she was already looking for where we could have our rooms. 

"Liela!" I called and Kakashi gave me a strange look in which I returned with a 'what' look until I realized.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck I chanted in my head when I realized that I used her real name like a dumb-ass. I mentally slapped my forehead at my own foolish stupidity. I smiled at him and he fidgeted.

"She likes the name a lot and usually gets cranky if I don't call her by that.  I wonder why she didn't insist when we were in the forest. " I said letting the lie flow from my tongue like water on it's own. He nodded hesitantly before going off into what I think was the Kitchen. I went into the back hallway where the rooms were. She was in the bathroom admiring the tub. I had to chuckle at her as I watched her from the doorway. She was simply staring at it with awestruck eyes as if it held the answers to the worlds mysteries. Soon enough Kakashi stood beside me peering in at her. He was holding two cups of steaming milk tea. He offered me one and I took it from him with a skeptical look. Back at base It seemed the only ones who knew how to make tea was the four top people; me, Pain, Konan, and Itachi. He glanced at me and I could see a small smile entertaining his face through his mask. 

"Does she typically act like this when in a bathroom?" I sighed as I nursed the too hot tea in my arms.

"Well if you hadn't taken a bath in weeks and the last one happened to be in a pond wouldn't you marvel at the sight of one as well? Lets not even speak about the toilet situation." I wrinkled my nose as I thought about it. He was watching me intently and it was beginning to piss me off. I poked my cheek with my tongue as I thought. "Liela I'll be right back okay?" She looked at me sharply before she walked over to me.


"The market, I'll buy us some clothes okay. So you stay here with Kakashi-Sensei." Kakashi was suddenly staring at me very hard as I told her this.

"What? I bet she's afraid of me, I'm a strange man and you're just going to trust my care? What if something happens to her?" He said a hint of a whine in his voice when we were at ground floors main door. He had given me directions to the market. I smiled at him. 

"Trust me it's fine even if you do hurt her." He seemed dumbfounded as I left him there.


Kakashi looked at the smiling child who had begun to turn on and off his water in the bathtub. He contemplated asking her.

"Levi?" She turned to him and smiled cheekily as she waved at him. "Why is your sister okay with you being here alone with me?" He asked trying to frame the question correctly. She left the water running and now played with it with her fingers before she answered him.

"Well...." She contemplated it. "Probably because she really knows you won't do anything to hurt me." He nodded silently. 


"And if you did she knows she would rip your larynx from your throat." His eyes widened and he felt a subtle bead of sweat form on his brow. 

"H-how do you even know that word?" He asked suddenly.

"Oh that's because I heard Akari Onee-chan tell daddy. She said-" and with a surprisingly well impression of an emotionless aiko-"Don't worry I'll take proper care of your daughter. If anyone attempts to harm her I won't hesitate to rip their larynx from their throat and use their intestines as a jump rope." She stopped as her memory of that conversation fled her mind suddenly. She pursed her lips but then smiled at Kakashi. "I told her it rhymed." Kakashi nodded as he was utterly freaked out by whom he might have let into his home. He left the little girl to her playing. 

No he shook his head, it's very normal for children who have been through what they had, to be very protective. Especially Akari who was much older than her sister and had to provide for them both at the age of thirteen. He sat on his couch comforting himself with those thoughts and not even entertaining the thought he might have just allowed a psychopathic sadistic murderer into his house willingly and would continue to live with her until she was older presumably. 

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