Forest Dweller

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Silo watched the three strange travelers. It seemed only the female had the sense enough to continue following the fog. The other two had already been lost.

"So it seems my opponent will be a flower as gorgeous as she is deadly." Her looks were not going to be fooling Silo it seemed.

~ ~
Hidan hadn't the slightest clue where he was going anymore. A while back he had stopped searching for the ties Aiko had left for him to travel with as a guide. After much thought he had to conclude her ties were an insult to his intelligence and so there for he stopped being guided by them. Now he saw perhaps he was being too hasty in picking that resolve. There was a terrible *BOOM*coming from somewhere on the left side of Hidan. He resolved in going to see what his leader might have been doing. That obviously couldn't have been anyone else but pain;that is beside his own daughter but he knew that she wouldn't do something like that in this deadly forest.

~ ~

Aiko gingerly perched herself on a branch at least ten feet above the moving fog. It was beginning to slow its movement, which meant she wasn't that far off from the village. She was already beginning to have that familiar feel about this side of the forest. If she went only a little while further she would be able to get home without the fog as a guide.

"Hey there! What's a pretty girl like you doing so close to the fog?"

She looked up to find a guy around her age maybe a year or two younger. He had a brown mop of hair with a single blonde braid hanging down to past his right earlobe.

"And who might you be?" She muttered. "A little birdy that has flown too far from its nest?" He smirked as if her quip really amused him.

"Who do you think you are you little bitch?!" He jumped from the tree he was on and deftly landed a few feet in front her. His eyes held a sense of sadism in them and his seductive smirk portrayed his intentions clearly through his features. He grabbed her face in his palm and turned her head from side to side. Clearly he was examining her beauty.

"Hm you're prettier up close. You've got that innocent face I just love to twist." Her expression suddenly changed from blandness as his eyes roved over her body. "But that body of your's doesn't look all that innocent. Hm...I bet these aren-" He attempted to reach out for her chest but her hand caught his before he could cop a feel. He looked back at her irritatedly only to find himself staring into the eyes of fear itself. The smile she wore (The picture is of the smile she wore) sent chills running down his back and not the scared kind.

"Innocent you say...? I assure you I am anything but. Hehehehehe." She took his hand and twisted it so the palm faced him before she dug her finger into a pressure point that made him buckle to his knees. "Stay out of my way boy, do you understand me." She looked down on him with an obvious air of superiority. She then threw his form against the trunk of the tree before going on her way. Silo was shocked to his core then his face twisted. He couldn't accept this girl as Superior to him. She was just another female and all female were below men, they were subservient beings that were without dignity or honor. Liars with pretty faces and charming tongues. He was gonna get her, and he was gonna make her pay.

Sorry it's so short, I'm a bit busier since my mom had the baby and my siblings only seem to be getting sicker. Also I'm starting a visual novel video game project. And I'm also thinking of putting either a soundtrack to this book or add an audio file of someone reading it. What do you guys think of these Ideas. If anyone who reads this knows how to program using the free product Ren'Py please contact me here or my facebook which is MzSnugglezFluffyBunz or my email which i'm pretty sure is in my profile but message me to get it. Thanks for reading everyone I truly appreciate it and will start working on updating more often too.

XOXO Tenshu~

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