Enter mad scientist

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"So tell me..." I asked him. "Why you thought this was a good idea?" He shuffled his feet a bit on the ground. 

"I just came to relay a message. Another Akatsuki member has done something we believe will intrigue you." I suddenly studied him with interest at this revelation but... Who was this "Other Akatsuki member"

"I see... And what might this intriguing thing be exactly?" 

"Infiltrated Konoha as well as gotten close to your recent obsession Sasuke Uchiha. All under twenty hours." My eyebrows flew up to my hairline in shock. I had been planning on that boy for a while now.

"Really?! That is quite a feat. I have placed my people all around but none have managed to do what they have and in so little time as well. Gotten to Sasuke and infiltrated Konoha successfully without detection?" He nodded at me. "Well perhaps this other Akatsuki member is willing to share what they know about him? How about we meet personally so as not too...taint the information." 

My mind was already forming another plan altogether about this "Other Akatsuki member" that I had, had no prior knowledge of. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes as he examined my face. I kept it innocent of my intentions. He breathed a sigh of relief and I smiled but then his face turned hard and serious.

"No, neither Pain nor I will allow you to meet her unattended and alone." I internally rolled my eyes but noted what he said. 

"Surely you realize Kabuto will be with me so we won't be alone at all." His face drew tight and I watched the reaction, interested. He had never so much as flickered a care for anything other than his so called art. His eyes held a dangerous glint as he readdressed me. 

"No, if you two were to meet one of us would accompany you. That's the best compromise we can come to." I sighed, as he realized my defeat he nodded and turned away to return to the base. 

"Wait, I want to know about this "Other Akatsuki member" What are they like for instance?" He stopped and smiled a shark's toothy grin. 

"She's utterly sadistic, ravenously bloodthirsty, and so bent on revenge and hate everything else is second all of this in the guise of a cute, witty, and uncontrollable girl." He fled my sight after his endearing little speech. I had been incorrect in my suspicions in gender. A female had gotten close to Sasuke and it seemed he was not the only one. 

She sounded quite the intriguing person. "Kabuto." He appeared from the shadows of the trees bowed on one knee his head lowered in submission. "Get us some disguises ready....We're taking a trip to Konoha. Hurry we leave before sunset." 

"Yes, lord Orochimaru." 

Dun Dun Dun!!!!!

Hahaha recently I've been left with a little more time on my hands so as you've seen I've posted like crazy in this last week but that is only probably to prepare you for the coming next months. I just got in trouble so less time to write. I'm sorry guys I know I'm such a Baka!

*Performs a Dogeza* I sincerely apologize and completely appreciate your patience. Please enjoy the previous chapters and the chapters to come.

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