Invisible part 2

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The darkness didn't let up, even when I had regained my concentration. My twips were in the grass somewhere and Pein still wouldn't let me go. Oh this would be the end surely if he didn't let me go very soon .

"Aiko what is the matter? Why are you angry now?" Hidan said closing the distance between us. I snapped my teeth at where I heard his voice in anger, frustration, and irritation. I could tell he had opened the space back up.

"I have no business with you, where is that greedy bastard Kakuzu?"

"Greedy bastard?! I was planning on splitting the money with you 70/30." His voice was only just within ny reach. I pulled against Pein but he didn't let up.

"What happened?" Pein asked his mouth was close to my ear and the hot air that wooshed out of his mouth when he spoke sent small shivers through my body in this cold air.

I ignored him and went on speaking to Kakuzu.

"Oh? 70/30? Didn't you plan on giving me the thirty though?" He didn't answer me then. "Yes as I thought. You greedy bastard!" I struggled against Pein harder. I wanted to wring the life out of Kakuzu.

"Well 30% is better than 0% right?" Kakuzu attempted reasoning.

"Even so I didn't give you permission to sell Aisu and Honõ!" I yelled in a grief stricken voice. Hidan stiffened and stared at me a long time.

Kakuzu seemed momentarily confused.

"You named your whips?"

My head turned toward the grass.

"No. Mom-

"Kazumi did. Cube and Flame right? They were her treasured weapons." My head snapped towards where I heard him speaking. "She said they were double as useful as they should be. Able to disguise themselves as golden bangles they could be shaken out and turned into beautifully sparkling and dangerous weapons. And once chakra was slipped into them they had unique techniques only their masters could perform. Kazumi had been handed down those they have a sort of curse upon them however so she didn't use them unless absolutely necessary."

I could feel the rage bubble in the pit if my tummy. He had no right to speak about my mother with such longing in his eyes or sadness in his voice.

He threw us to the wind like we were trash. Discarded us so that Anbu and tracker nins could find and kill us. This bastard is a monster who will get what he deserves by my hands. That I solemnly swear to myself before I die.

"Why did you use them!" He grabbed my chin forcing my face up so that our eyes met. As soon as I saw his face I spit on it.

"Gross what the fuck! You little bitch, you will pay for tha-" He stopped shouting when he got a good look at me. I could feel the sudden fear spike in him.

"Whatever its just a little saliva, I suppose it can't really hurt." He said a little gruffly as he turned on his heel. As my eyesight regained light I watched Hidan bend to pick something up from the ground. He then turned and strode back over to me. When Hidan approached pain released me. I rubbed my arms. There would surely be bruises from struggling. As I checked my arms Hidan held out the two gold bangles. I stared at them for awhile as they dangled in his hand.

"Come on here grab them. Kazumi wanted you to have them right? Take them then, and keep them with you." I smiled and nodded, taking them from him. He stiffened at my sudden smile then rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Look Aiko about these, I-" My chakra infused fist hit him squarely in his stomach. He clutched his abdomen and closed his eyes as tears leaked out of the corner. So he didn't even see my chakra infused foot coming. I kicked him on the side of his head. He went straight into the ground and I didn't see him move when I walked past him.

I spotted Kakuzu, he was the poster for "a deer in the headlights" really I couldn't help the laugh that forced me to stop and stare at him. His face was really funny looking, so tucking funny looking! At some point it got totally hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing. I somehow managed to get out-

"Yo- your face!" I couldn't stop myself, I was rolling on the floor laughing. "Ah someone- someone help. It hurts, my tummy, it hurts. Ahhhhhh!"

Pain just suddenly scooped me up into his arms off the ground and even the forced intimacy with him didn't slow down my laughs. Tears squoze themselves from the corner of my eyes. I really couldn't stop. It was beginning to get troublesome.

"Finish your mission. I'm taking her back with me to the hideout." Kakuzu stared at me with this strange expression an Hidan was still sputtering and coughing. Trying his best to regain himself.

"Yea okay. I think that- that might be best." He wheezed attempting to stand. Pain started off with me in his arms and slowly as I got farther away from them the chuckles died down and even so Pain still carried me in his arms.

"Yo why are you still carrying me?" He stopped in the middle of some trees and looked at me.

"Do you want me to set you down?" I fake thought about it.

"Nope, I'm fine. I prefer this than walking." I poked one of his nose piercing's and he suddenly caught my finger with his teeth. My eyes widened at the action. He released my finger and said:

"I prefer no one touch my piercing's." My eyes narrowed to slits.

"I see. Well then I guess i'll just have to be the exception now won't I?" I told him and touched one before he could intercept the finger. Then did a small celebration while still in his arms. "Now then let's hit the road." I'm not sure if I saw correctly, but just as he turned the moonlight illuminated his face for just a moment and I thought I saw a small quirk of his lips, and not in a frown. I stared at him for a while wondering if I could catch another glance of it but it never made itself present again. After a while I grew bored of looking and just laid comfortably in his arms, staring at the sky before I gave up on that too and closed my eyes. I was tired after everything and wanted to sleep. I was drifting in and out of consciousness for a long time which is why I'm not sure if I really heard Pain's words or not.

"I've seen your wings, Angel."

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