Secrets Uncovered

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"I don't see why you don't just go into her room and find out? She hasn't been back since she dropped off Liela some weeks ago." Konan said to Hidan who looked the worse for wear. Since Aiko had left the base he'd submerged himself in missions that turned bloody. Not that it wasn't his preference but he seemed much more tamed in his dealings.

"It's not that I don't want to. But I know for a fact her entire room is booby trapped. I don't feel like having my head lopped off today. I did it last week." Konan held back a small chuckle but grabbed her coffee mug and stood from her seat at the kitchen table. 

"Then you have a choice to make. Go through her belongings, ask her directly, or forever hold your peace." With that she strolled out of the room and headed down the hall to her office. Hidan sighed but he knew she was right.

Dammit what was he supposed to do?! Asking her directly would yield him no results whatsoever and there was no way as a father he could hold his peace forever. With a grunt he stood from the table also and headed for her room, only one choice he supposed. He cautiously took the knob and turned it, surprisingly it was unlocked and opened easily. The room was dark and had an empty feeling to it. He took a cautious step inside and again was surprised to see his foot hadn't been chopped off. However he didn't believe for a moment that Aiko had left her entire room unguarded. That wasn't her style. He fully entered the room and shut the door behind him. No need to let everyone know he was entering the scariest person in the bases' room while she wasn't here to stop it. When he flipped the switch for a light he saw his daughters room clearly as if he hadn't seen all of it together before, The walls were an earthy tone which made sense as they lived in an underground cave system. Her bed was a deep plum and her dresser was also a darker shade of purple. Some things just didn't change he supposed. No matter how homicidal one gets over the years. 

He checked under the bed and found nothing  Checked the  closet and found nothing checked her flooring and couldn't spot a single booby trap. Not even the stash of torture weapons he'd found been trapped or poisoned or anything for that matter. It made him feel paranoid as he knew what type of person she'd become or he thought he did anyway. He stepped to the dresser and pulled out one, it was just clothes, he went to the other side and found the same thing. The second drawer in the first column was also a dead end but the one in the second column wasn't.

Slight scraping and resistance as it moved out told him something was stuck under it. Just as he went to touch what was hidden in Aiko's dresser drawer an axe flew at his head from the other side of the wall. If he hadn't been paying attention his head would have been rolling on the floor by now. Thank Jashin for his rightfully placed paranoia. He placed his hand under the dresser, fishing for whatever it was stuck under it and found something like a button. He pushed on it and felt the cleaver slice right through his bone. He mentally scolded himself because he really should have known better. His middle half was sliding around trying to stay together though he had clearly been cut clean through.

~A while later~

He was back in her room, it took him a couple hours to patch himself up without worrying about how uncomfortable he felt with his body slipping on his own blood while they were stacked on top of each other like pancakes. He fished around inside of the second drawer in the second column and touched something at the very back that was neither clothing nor wood. When he went to pull it out something sharp pricked him in the hand and he felt his lids go very heavy.

~Another While Later~

When he woke up he instantly knew it was dark and he was frustrated at his lack of progress into uncovering anything about the mysteries that seemed to exude from his daughter. He decided that the next attempt would be his last. He had no patience for a continuous death loop. He once again felt about under the second drawer in the second column but this time there was no button to press, no sharp object pricking or cleaving. 

He slid his open palm hesitantly over something smooth and...soft and rectangular shaped. He tugged at it and could hear something tearing like paper but that didn't deter him. When he finally had the thing free he pulled it out into the open unfortunately however the room was dark. And he could only vaguely make out what it was. He surmised it to be a notebook of some kind, his suspicion was confirmed when he could open it and ripple through the pages. With ecstatic triumph he did a little dance which proved to be a mistake as he slipped in a puddle of his own blood and hit the floor with  hard bang.

It would seem today was a job well done. Now was the time to rest he thought as he stood up and quickly exited the room. The mess he'd made would have to be cleaned he knew, After all Aiko was like a blood hound when it came to the scent of blood. He would probably have to do that, but tomorrow he decided before making his way back to his own room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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