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'He ran with all his might, a slow creeping smile forming on his face. She was such a wicked woman. She was the only woman wicked enough to be his he had decided the week after she had arrived at base. However there were others who also saw her wicked talents and also wanted her for themselves. Competition here was fierce and steadily her popularity was growing. Now he had to actually use his mind to gain her attention. He supposed his last plan was a bit over the top; back to the books.
Taking a left he ran into Konan who responded by softening his blow with her paper shield, he fell to the dusty ground and saw her shadow pass over his. He gulped and hurriedly stood to run around Konan who was looking at his wicked woman.
"Aiko?" She said with an eyebrow raised. She grabbed a hold of his waist before he could get a single step away and brought him close to her so she could look at his face.

"And your last words, Sasori?" He gave her a suggestive smirk.
"Had I known I was going to die for a kiss I might have gone all the way. Her dead eyes narrowed at his remark and he began to sweat in her grasp yet he held his integrity together. " Now that I think about that..." Sasori licked his lips before quickly sealing hers with his. His arms snaked their way around her just as she began to struggle. Keeping her from breaking the kiss. Konan stood awkwardly watching the situation from the sidelines. It didn't take long before she accepted his embrace and was attempting actual participation. When they broke apart she heaved for breath her chest caught his attention as his mind drifted to... Dirtier things.' As he made a grab he was suddenly jerked to the ground where he lay for a mere second before heatedly sitting up. "Who the fuck-" He was cut off by the image of Aiko. She had a small gash running from her ear to right below where her eye began. Leaves were scattered in her hair and she was wearing a different Yukata than before. He blinked but the Aiko stared at him with ice cold wrath in her gaze. "Ai-" she cut him off.

"Get the fuck up. Tonight your ass is as good as dead." He gave a confused but wry smirk as he stood all the way up. That was his woman. She only gave orders not inclined to being subservient to any man. God was she made for me? He asked silently as she motioned to the door and he cautiously made his way out. Aiko directed him to the surrounding forests around the base before allowing him to stop. He looked around and judged they were about a half a mile away from the base.
"Sasori stick out your lips." He was taken aback but didn't object much. Maybe he was still dreaming. He did so and watched as she inched closer to him. When he could feel the warmth from her press on him he closed his eyes. She traced his lips with a gentle finger; then with the accuracy of a bowmen promptly slid her pin out of her up-do and straight through the skin.

He belched out an unexpected scream as he fell to the forest floor moaning and holding his face. "Steel barrier jutsu." She whispered staring down at his writhing form. She silently watched him attempt to yank them out with no luck. He looked up and caught her face as it was cast in shadows. His heart sped up exponentially in pace when the sight of her mad grin and cold eyes finally registered. He was caught in her appearance before he caught her actions. She slammed wooden poles  into each of his hands. The blood bubbled around them and slid down his arms as he held them up. As another scream burbled from his mouth Aiko slammed her knee into his diaphragm immediately changing it to a wheeze.

He dropped to the ground in an awkward pose not allowing anything to touch. That would only cause more pain. She kicked him over before she stepped over him then harshly plopped herself on the top of his stomach she ran her hands up his body until she felt what she was looking for and by then he was panicking.
She took a tight grasp on it and he took in a sharp breath as he stared deep into her eyes but not begging. He read her expression and smirked seductively at her. "You won't because then you would also have to kill every other member of the Akatsuki." She gave him a bored look.

"Not true. I would only have to kill Pain and depending on Konan's love for him possibly her as well." She frowned but it was gone before he could figure out why it was even there to begin with. She left his heart alone and stood up immediately turning her back on Sasori as she made her way back to the base. He could only smile at her reactions. They were simply so unnatural and intriguing he wished to see all of them. Every single reaction she could have and he longed for the day she would become his. 


He watched their entire encounter and grimaced. He very much had, himself wanted to pull the puppet master's true heart out and burn it to mere ashes simply for the acts he had committed against Aiko though he might not ever say those words aloud. He stared down at Sasori with cold eyes and a deep contempt for him. Aiko's only just woken up and the first thing she does is seek out Sasori. Something should probably be done about that.

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