Home sweet Home

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Pain let Hidan take the lead to bring him to Aiko and his old home. They stopped in front of the waterfall, pain allowed Hidan his momentary silence as he surveyed the old place where he had once begun to raise a family with the woman he loved and their love child. Guilt was thick in Hidan's throat, choking him as he recalled the day he left and the night before. They entered through the curtain however it seemed only Pain got wet by the water. Behind the water was rock as far as Pain could see but he narrowed his eyes and followed Hidan anyway. They went through the rock and there was a slight warmness in Pain's stomach he couldn't Identify how else to describe the strange flowery feeling in his gut. The halls were long and all of them were filled with an unidentified dim lighting. As if the sun was indeed being filtered so far below. He couldn't help the slow assessing he did but he found no cracks in the rock to suggest where the dim light was coming from, it was just all around them.

Stairs, smooth and winding went upwards towards the top of the waterfall. As he and Hidan made their way up he realized he could now hear the rushing of water. It sounded as if it was echoing from somewhere close by. Hidan turned to Pain, his face was paler than he'd ever seen Hidan face ever be and his eyes usually bright and indifferent or filled with blood lust were hooded and dull with shadows. 

"I haven't been here in a long time. I don't know if things have changed or..." Hidan swallowed but it didn't seem to help him at all. "We are on the first floor." Then he turned back around and somehow found a door handle turned and opened it. The Sunlight nearly blinded him when Hidan stepped aside. When his eyes could adjust he made out a surprisingly well furnished and almost luxurious living, dining and kitchen. No wonder she often complained about the Akatsuki's base living conditions. However the sight was severely marred by the broken wood and old dry blood smeared almost every available surface.

The huge open Bay windows looked down to the entire village and beyond. They must be very near the top of the waterfall to see so far.

Pain stepped over broken chairs, glass, and other broken things all covered in dust. He half thought how could this room not Smell like death with this much blood around. Whoever's blood this was they had to be dead. There wasn't a physical way to still be alive after all the blood they'd lost. He stepped on something that crunched softly. He bent to pick up an old picture of Hidan, a beautiful blue haired woman with crystal bright blue eyes and a glowing green kimono; a toddler perched on Hidan's shoulders. The babe was as pale as death's incarnate and her red tinged eyes were alight with innocent happiness her hair was short and an unnaturally pale violet. She had both, features from her mother and father but she looked so sickly it was scary and worrying.

Hidan snatched the photo from Pains fingers before he was done examining it. He curled it in his hand, anger radiated from his face. Pain didn't bother to acknowledge the rudeness as he could tell Hidan was in pain.

"Shall we go upstairs now?" Hidan said a bit curtly, without waiting for an answer he stalked to the door throwing it open and near stomping up barely acknowledging pain as he silently followed.

The next flight wasn't as long and at the end was a hallway where another pair of stairs peeked from the other side.

Hidan immediately went to the door at the far end corner across from the stairs and disappeared inside shutting the door firmly behind him.

Pain wandered to the only other room on the floor besides the one Hidan had entered. It took a good shove before he could get it to budge open wide enough for him to squeeze through. Immediately a chilling wind went through him. He disregarded it as soon as his eyes adjusted to the room. There was no surface that was not covered in red. He turned in a slow circle. There were scratch marks on the walls, the floor and the back of the door. The blood was heaviest on the bed a small bed decorated in pinks and greens and blues. Aiko's old room, he thought. And from the size of these scratch marks this was probably done when the ninja came looking for Hidan.

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