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When I returned Kakashi was pouting in the corner while Liela held a book. As soon as my form was within her seeing range she dropped the book and rushed over to me. I gave her a look and she instantly backed off. I squatted in front of Kakashi. "Why are you in the corner looking like a scolded child?" He looked at me and I saw the moment he took a step forward. I stood immediately side stepping him and narrowed my eyes. He fell to the ground and I sighed before squatting back down and poking his back. "You know you're noting of what I expected. The rumors only seem to get your appearance right."

"Really, well I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment. But enough of that I want to know more about your situation if you're going to be living with me from now on. " I pursed my lips and nodded warily before going over and seating myself on the mostly unused grey couch. Everything in his place seemed to hold no color. Devoid of life, I hadn't seen his bedroom though. He stood dusting himself off before making his way to me. Liela came over and sat on the floor between my legs. I laid back getting comfortable or that was the general plan, it didn't work much I still could feel my ass begin to hurt already. We stared at each other for a while before I impatiently began tapping my foot. "What? What is it you are wanting to gleam from me?" He smiled through the mask.

"I just want a better knowledge is all. So what is the relationship of your father like."

"He is a hated man and he knows it." I said it quick on the spot venom dripping from every letter. I briefly saw Kakashi whip back at the emotion in my voice.

"You should calm down."

"I am calm." It was almost a hiss and I cleared my voice as Liela began to shiver. I stared at him and he seemed to watch me intensely as I calmed myself.

"Well now I know when you lie." I highly doubted that. "Any way what about her." He motioned to Liela who was going through the bags I came back with.

"What about her, I told you he knows he is a hated man. He abandoned her so I took her with me and to raise her correctly."

"As a man hater?" I glared at him. Yes precisely but not exactly all men are the same. I thought of all the Akatsuki men, Itachi was like a little brother to me already even though he was older. And pain was that friend you fight with but still p enjoying a drink with at the end of the day. Kisame somehow made me laugh at his ignorance. Sasori was a pervert but Ii hadn't known it until last night. I wiped my lips thinking about it. He actually was my second favorite before that crap he seemed to be like me. Enjoying in playing a bit with the victims if they were fun. Willing to kill anyone who pissed you off.

"Yes." He stared at me shocked.

"If your such a man hater why didn't you object when Hokage said you would be staying with me?" I grinned ad I could tell he was unnerved by it.

"Because I like to run men to their knees in delirium. By the time they realize its typically too late."

"Then why are you telling me this?" My grin only stretched farther and he scooted a little off the couch. He stopped asking questions after that and walked away without hearing my answer. I stretched out on the couch with a smirk playing on my lips at the prospect of running Kakashi mad. Liela hesitantly pushed me and I looked to find her holding up her new Kimono in one hand and a new Yukata in the other. Her face clearly showed excitement. I sighed.

"Fine go run the water." She hopped up and zipped for it.

~ ~

"Hurry up Levi, It is super late. Look there is no one even out here anymore." I told her annoyed. She stumbled still trying to get used to the old style wooden sandals. She nearly feel when she grabbed onto the material of my Yukata. The belt loosed in the front allowing more of my "Assets" to spill out than was probably appropriate. I hurriedly took her hand you and yanked her to her feet. She bowed deeply and said sorry before stiffly taking more steps. I sighed completely forgetting my state of clothing when as I took a step someone appeared before me. Fixing my clothes. I didn't recognize him really except...

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