Swearing Fealty

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Somehow the way to base was a lot faster than the way home. It mostly passed in a blur but there were moments when I had to address issues. There were also moments where I would catch Pain staring at me. When we got back I left them all to clear my head for a bit in a place only one of them could venture.

"Yo, Kakashi." He jumped up off his couch and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Where the hell have you been? It's been weeks! No one in the village had seen where you'd gone and no one could find you. Where is Levi?"

"Ah, right. Well what happened was I went to the Lightening country and found a respectable village to take her in while I could get stronger. Don't worry about her she's fine. I'm gonna go back to get her in a few weeks or so." I told him as I made my way to my appointed room not even batting an eye at how quick I had thrown together that lie. My room was as bleak as the rest of the apartment but it was fine since It had a bed a desk and a window. I threw the pack I was carrying on the foot of the bed and fell to the bed with no intention of ever getting back up. I fell asleep almost immediately after hitting the sheets.

"Well since we have a new addition to the team and I still don't know much about her how about we redo the whole introduction as well as training session? Hmmm?" Kakashi said a few days after my 'return'. He litterally had to carry me out of my room, it took him a few days to get past the rooms defenses which is what took him so long to be able to announce this.

"What; Again?"

"Are you serious?" Naruto and Sakura began to whine.

"Shut up. If your quick about it, it won't be such a hassle." Sakura looked at me with a scorching gaze.

"She's right, lets just get this over with. I need to get back to training." Sasuke commented, as if I needed him to.

"Glad to see we're all in agreement. As you all know my name is Kakashi Hatake......" The silence stretched on for a moment before I thought to myself 'Is that really all?'

Sakura rolled her eyes. "My name is Sakura Haruno. The person I like is..." She goes to looking at Sasuke who ignores her utterly. "My dream for the future is..." Again with the looking at Sasuke before she turned to me and glared. "What I hate are girls trying to take advantage of..." We know what this means. "And Naruto's childishness" I nodded slightly but completely erased all the useless information she had given me out of my head."

Naruto turned to look at me with a grin on his face before he exclaimed. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki of course! What I like is Ramen, especially the kind at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minute wait after you pour in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating Ramen. And my dream... is to be the next Hokage!" For a moment I had to stare at him.

"Well I can give you guts for even proclaiming. I'm sorry but the next kage of the village I live in had better be a strong woman." I could feel my anger burn cold inside me. "Or I'll burn this damn village to the ground, there wont even be enough wood for embers when I'm done." When I looked back at them Sakura and Naruto had both taken steps away from me. Kakashi was only giving me a creeped out face.

"Sasuke Uchiha. I don't much like anything. I hate a lot of things. My future is to restore my clan, and kill the one who destroyed it."

I might have cracked a smile during the end of Sasuke's introduction.
"Hm...Okay. My name Is Akari Tatsumi. Um... I like....? Dominating over the male species? Putting guys in their place? Destroying men physically psychologically, and Emotionally. I especially like teaching other girls and enlightening them to the same things. Hm... I hate men as a general thing. They are all worms beneath me and every other female. I hate that man especially. My future consists of restoring my home to it's former glory filled with strong females. And psychologically torturing a certain man until he begs for his own painful death like the spineless whoring filth he is."

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