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I ran through the forest determined to find that bastard and make him pay. Oh and this time he would definately wish for death. I ran faster with the anticipation of blood and torture.then suddenly stopped as I could here someone talking a few yards ahead of me. Quickly drawing out shanks my small specially made ninja knife, I ran up a tree and continued on my way toward the person jumping from branch to branch.

"Say something Itachi! I'm seriously considering asking Pein for a new partner, you are so borin-"

"Shhh" Itachi told kisame in a hurry. Without hearing a sound he jumped out of the way of a flying kunai."It seems we've been followed. ANBU perhaps?" Itachi questioned, and kisame shook his head as a girl slowly came into view.

"Excuse me have you seen a kinda tall jashinist man with silverish grayish hair and purple eyes?" She asked politely and kisame glanced at Itachi before deciding to speak.

"Who wants to know?" The girl smiled gingerly at kisame and oh so faint blush spread across his cheeks.

"I'm looking for him, he's my father." Kisame burst into laughter as soon as the words crossed her lips. Even Itachi couldn't believe it and she herself was chuckling along with Kisame .

"Yea I suppose it is hard to believe, huh? but I have pictures of him." She said delicately, pulling out a book of photos and flipping it open. Kisame peered inside and his jaw almost literally fell to the floor.

"Well then.... Itachi?"

" Daddy! I'm here!" Hidan heard as he was coming from the bathroom. he cursed under his breath and ran straight into his room, hoping to escape the reuniting of him and his daughter. but to no avail. Before he turned she began speaking.

"yea, I knew you would try and hide from me. this is the first place you would go right?" he looked at her. she was sitting on his bed with her leg over the other and swinging her foot while checking her nails.

    "hey aiko, ya know I was planning on packing to go and see you and your mothe-"

"save it daddy dearest." and he clamped his mouth shut."i decided to come and see you. since you were obviously not planning to come and see me on my 13th birthday,hn."

"hey listen here you little Bitch, you don't know what the fuck I could have been doing for the past three fucking years." she slowly stood up and shrugged.

"true, but I know what your going to be doing for your next five, you filthy man hoe" he looked confused and she grinned.

"dont talk to me like that I'm still your goddamn father!"

"now that's some straight up bullshit. a father gives a damn about his children."

"lil Bitch you wanna go!"

and she came right in his face

"let's go"

Hidan went flying through his bedroom door and the rest of the akatsuki who were eaves dropping wondered what happened. Aiko stepped over the wall rubble, hands on her hips, grimace on her face. she grabbed him up by the collar of his cloak and looked him dead in the eye then smiled cheerily.

"I'm so glad you've agreed to let me stay daddy." Then she let him go and he fell limp on the ground unable to respond. everyone stared as she walked back in the room and began unloading her bag silently.

Hidan's crazy ducking daughterWhere stories live. Discover now