No right!

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SLURP! SLURP! SLURP! Everyone stared as Aiko noisily ate her miso ramen for breakfast. And by everyone I mean Deidara, Sasori, Kisame, and Hidan. Itachi was sitting on the couch reading a book, Zetsu was still on his mission, none knew where Konan was and Pein was still in his office. Right at that moment Pein walked into the kitchen.

        He looked at Aiko and then across the room at the group watching her. He said absolutely nothing but it was clear he felt they were being childish about the situation. He went to attempt to sit next to Aiko. She peered at him as he was about to sit down. With one sweep of her foot the chair was in front of Kisame instead of beside her seat. No one spoke at all for a long while. Pein looked at Aiko for that period of time as if trying to figure out a puzzle. She continued to SLURP her ramen until it was gone. As she got up from her seat she peered at him, and when she walked past him to put her dish away he grabbed her wrist so she couldnt go anywhere.

 "There a problem Pein?" she asked in an intimidating way. they stared in each others eyes, neither one had shown a shred of fear or bluff of power. finally pein let her go. The audience couldnt believe what they had witnessed. Their leader of this band of S-ranked criminals had backed ,from a little girl no less.

"Well at least we get a hint of how strong she is. In a general sense anyway." Sasori said to everyone else walking off toward his room."

"What the hell have you done to the poor girl, un. Hidan you crazy ass religous dead beat dad. You could have gone to see her on her birthdays. She probably wouldn't have become such a dangerous monster, un."

"WHAT?! Your blaming me for this. Her mother was there why doesn't she get credit for raising her this way, If anything i oughtta be awarded best if were talkin bout dead beat dads. Shit, i'm not doing experiments on my daugher."

" Way to switch this over to Alcide and Orochimaru you pussy. What, you not man enough to take responsibility of me. I knew you were just a bitch satisfying my moms needs at the time." Aiko said peircing him with a signature chilling gaze that could freeze a gods soul. There was a flicker of fear across Hidans face before he turned the other way, to the door. "Going to find another woman to stick it in then leave her out in the cold like a damn lost puppy." Hidan stopped  and looked at her. Anger evident in his smoky-violet eyes.

"WHEW! i am going to go and find out what Kakuzu is up to." Kisame whistled and turned away leaving them alone to fight and not wanting to get in the middle of it. Deidara looked between both of them.

"Hey uh Kisame let me join you in that." Deidara said running to catch up with him.

"God i don't know what she was thinking, i mean obviously she must have been dilusional to have had me by you. You, a no good pussy who can't even visit his daughter on the one day of the year he promised. A no good dick who doesnt keep tabs on the supposed love of his eternal life. All the stories she told me were bullshit dipped in rose scented perfume.

       I mean really what could my mother really see in you that made her instantly know. She told me one day you were going to come back for us and i would instantly know why, but now that i see you my mind is blanking left and right.  And all i see is a no good man whore who promised my mom a future filled with love and care, instead she got tons of tracker nins looking for you.

   She didn't practice our religion like i asked her so many times before, so she died in a torture chamber at the bottom of some village far off. And do you actually believe she didn't tell them anything at all. her price for not talking was her death. She died for you!! and you didn't bother showing up at her funeral either. I bet you think this is hilarious huh? Don't you! Answer me dammit!!"

    Aiko punched Hidan in the jaw sending him flying through rock solid walls. She climbed through the hole and picked him up again by the collar. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, Hidan had a speck of a tear in his eyes. Breathing hard through her nose she strained to control her impulses to kill the bastard. she settled with another punch to his already broken jaw and left it at that.

"You, have no right to shed a single tear for my mother." She dusted off her knuckles then her clothes. Her jaw tightened and she left for her room in silence.

"She...was supposed to tell everything if that happened. I had no idea... she had died for me." Hidan whimpered lowly.  "Kazumi, why?"

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