Fun day -_-

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The dust cleared and a log was in position of Kakashi. Quickly I checked my pockets relieved to know the bells were indeed still there. With a quick thought I gave one to Sakura.

"You're giving this to me?" She asked dumbfounded by my choice. "Then are you keeping the other one for yourself?" I sighed.

"Sakura go sit by the lunches and stay out of the rest of the fight." She smiled, happy to be let go and skipped almost merrily away from me. I looked at the sky to mark the position of the sun and was almost shocked to see how much time had passed. We had roughly 1 3/4 hours left to get the remaining bell. I rushed over to Naruto who was flat on his back in the grass, Sasuke was leaning against the tree watching us.

"Naruto catch." He looked at me as I tossed the bell to him. It hit him on his chin and rolled off his face. "
"You got them? Seriously?" He said a mixture of disbelief and triumph in his voice. Even Sasuke stood up from the tree. I shook my head.
"I was only able to grab two before he got away."

"Where is the other one? Are you keeping it for yourself?" Sasuke asked eyeing me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes.

"She could if she wanted. It was her plan after all. She was the one to actually grab the bells too. That's more than we could say." Naruto defended me, though it wasn't needed. Sasuke just hmphed me but said nothing else.

"Naruto, quickly go to the lunch boxes. Sakura should be there already." Sasuke gave me a strange look. Naruto smiled and thanked me before heading off. Sasuke stared at me for a moment.

"You gave those two the bells to get them out of the way."

"They aren't useless.... but yes...I did. If the idea of this exercise is teamwork then in a real mission wouldn't it be beneficial to as we go on with the strategy if there is a time to get a teammate to safety wouldn't you take it? Their part of the mission is finished why not send them to safety? There's two and two. We all have a partner." He seemed thoughtful before nodding.

"Any thoughts on how to get the last bell?" He asks me as we head into the forest again. I shrug noncommittally.

"I've got something but it hinges on finding him first." He looked at me with a careful expression before nodding and taking off. He called back for me to stay hidden.

On an impulse I did as asked, hiding a ways away behind a tree. I didn't have the strength to even try using my hands on this one. It was 15 minutes before I saw any sign of Sasuke. He seemed a bit lost in the mind although.
"Sasuke." He turned to me immediately and when he approached I saw that he was injured. His back side was littered with burns and a few scattered Kunai and Stars. He really looked the worse for wear. I looked around my surrounding slowly and cautiously.
" me..." I squatted down to his position watching his face carefully. I nodded silently as I slipped a kunai from my inventory. I swiftly grabbed a fist full of soft hair lifted his head and slit his throat. As he fell I watched the Genjutsu wear off and came to stare at a surprised Kakashi not too far away from me. A moment of stunned silence fell through around us before he disappeared just as I threw my kunai at his head. I wasn't worried about finding him after he had seen me slit what I thought had been Sasuke's throat with a quiet ruthlessness most cannot hone easily.

It was later that I found the real Sasuke searching around for me. He told me what had happened when he'd found Kakashi; unfortunately he still came out of the fight empty handed.

I looked up at the sky and saw that our deadline was on us.

I had wasted the better part of the day waiting for Sasuke only to hear that his plan had failed as well. I had failed my test but it didn't matter. I knew that, Sasuke knew that, and so did Kakashi.

It didn't matter because I had displayed what he had wanted me to. So just because I had not gotten all three bells didn't mean I hadn't passed it simply meant he had quite a bit to teach me.

Sasuke and I continued our search for Kakashi until it was plain our deadline had passed. We found him enjoying lunch with Naruto and Sakura at the training poles.

There was rope at his feet. When we arrived he lazily eyed us both before giving what I perceived to be a smile.

"Oh good, you've both arrived. So then, I suppose you two will have to discuss which one among you will be tied to this pole without lunch. Sasuke and I gave each other leveled looks. I shrugged and looked at Kakashi with a daunting look. 

"I suppose that should be me." Kakashi grinned cheerfully before holding the rope up, stepping out of my way I calmly placed my back flat against the pole. Kakashi approached me and deftly tied the rope around me and finished it with a complicated knot.

"But sensei! Akari was the one to get the two bells and then gave them both away to us, if anything shouldn't Sasuke be the one being tied to the pole?" Naruto argued in my defense. I rolled my eyes before hissing at him to stop.

"He needs a sacrifice, I think I am most appropriate for this role." I said rolling my neck back in ecstasy. "Trust me Naruto; it's not my first time being tied up by a man." I told him switching gears quick enough to make their heads spin

"For someone who seems so independent you sure are very good at team oriented activities." I gave Kakashi a toothy grin that I could tell deeply disturbed him. 

"Just hurry whatever this lesson is so I can go home." He stared into my eyes, and I did the same. He blinked first then turned away from me. 

"Ya know what  I think, that Akari needs a bit of time to cool off and think. Training is over for today for everyone except Akari." As if I hadn't expected special treatment from him considering he is severely and properly terrified of me. At this point he was abusing his authority over me, men often did this as if it was a favorite pastime or something. "You all are not allowed to untie her from this pole. She has to get out on her own. Hopefully she can do that before dinner time." I hadn't expected this particular situation but it seemed fitting of his particular personality. He gave me a cheery smile before disappearing in a thick cloud of smoke. Sakura, surprisingly was the first one to try to help me as she immediately held up a kunai and began sawing away at the ropes that bound me to the log post. After 5 minutes of sawing I could hear her ragged breathing. I see kakashi didn't buy cheap rope.

"Are you still having trouble with getting her ropes off?"

"No, leave it I can do at least this for her!" Sakura suddenly yelled in barely concealed frustration before she collapsed a few minutes later. Sasuke sighed exasperatedly and picked the kunai up out of her hand before he began to approach me. It had been 20 minutes since Kakashi had left.

"Hold still-"

"No need." I said before the ropes fell to my ankles. I rubbed my wrists absently as Naruto gawked at them. I stepped toward the unconscious Sakura but Sasuke blocked my path. "Move."

When he didn't I shrugged and stepped past him anyway. I placed my now green palm to her forehead and within a minute she woke up. The basics of Medical ninjutsu I had learned from a fairly early age. Waking her up from a little exhaustion wasn't anything I needed to put forward any real effort on. 

I turned away from her, in the direction of Kakashi's home as I did I saw a glimmer of guilt in sasuke. "I'm leaving."

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