Invisible part 1

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The akatsuki gave me a wide berth as i sat on the couch with my scrolls in hand. I unrolled one across the coffee table in front of me and studied it. then rolled up the sleeves of my old red and blue colored kimono, revealing the gold bangles that hung around each of my wrist. Kakuzu sat beside me at the sight of them.

"What are those? Are they worth any money?" I gave him a slanting glance before returning my attention to the scroll in front of me. "They look like they could be worth a pretty penny." he said staring at them almost giddily.

"Are you low on money kakuzu? is that why you are bothering me for my gold?" kakuzu was blunt and honest. two traits I was inclined to respect.

"Yes any gold I can sell?" he said pointedly staring at my wrists.

"Nope none I might give to you."

My left bangle caught in the fluorescent artificial light and I could tell he had seen. he jumped up stared at me hard then stalked away. That was the end of that gold loaning question, or so I had thought.

My study session ran until dark I was tired by the time all the scrolls had been read and just wanted to sleep. upon entering my room I threw the scrolls on my new desk along with my bangles and dropped off as soon as my body hit the bed.

When I woke up the next morning the only one in the base was pein. I stared at him across the kitchen table. He didn't physically look at me but I could feel his attention.

"Where is everyone, pein?" he looked at me then, paused then said with indifference evident in his deep voice:

"They're avoiding you."

"I hadn't noticed." I said using a dry tone.

"I figured as much." He said. I suppose he could use a dry tone too.

"Fine I'm going to my room." He looked as if he wanted to say something but I ignored him and headed back.

There was an off feeling to my room though I couldn't place it. I spotted the haphazard condition my scrolls were in and went to correct them when it hit me. My god damn bangles were gone! An image of kakuzu's covered face flitted through my minds eye. The rat bastard! I stormed out of my room down the hall and back into the kitchen. Pein still sat sipping his coffee. "Kakuzu's head will be mine! Where is he?!" Pein rose his eyebrows at her.

"It's against us to kill another member of the akatsuki." I smiled at him. "lot of teeth in that expression for a smile Aiko." I dropped into a scowl.

"would you happen to know where kakuzu is?"

"He took on a few missions. won't be back for a day or so." I nodded

"Where's his first mission?" For a moment he only stared at her before he answered standing from his chair.

"I believe it's near the mist village."

"How long ago did he leave?"

"A few hours ago." I made a move toward the door and he added: "Hidan is with him." I stopped thought for a moment then walked out.

Honestly Hidan couldn't do anything to stop me from doing what I wanted. He was too weak. Immortal he may be but that is far from invincible. Besides if Hidan had even a tingent of a brain he would run as soon as he caught site of me. And so, I thought amusedly, would Kakuzu. the dirty thief would get enough of taking things when I skinned his hands and fed his arms to my carrions.

I traveled as fast as I could, keeping my eyes out for them I had to double back from the mist after some hours. And even so could not find them. am entire day went by with my search and I didn't find them in the trails to any other villages. It seemed I would have to be patient and wait for my prey to come home. Which was too bad because I am not that patient if a person though I have my moments.

It was on my way back that the recognizable sound of Hidans foul mouth told me I had finally found them. And without trying too, how lucky am I?

I landed on a tall fir directly above their camp. They were prepared to spend the night resting in the woods. It seemed as though they had done it often enough to get comfortable with it. But I wasn't interested in that, I kept my eyes open for my bangles. Bangles that were mine and VERY dangerous to those they did not know nor care for. It was a long wait before Hidan finally drifted off and kakuzu rested his eyes. I didn't hesitate. I left my perch and strolled casually to kakuzu's resting body. There was a glint of something shiny in his pocket and I dug in to close my hand around two circles. My bangles! he stirred then and I didn't bother trying to hide myself from him. I whipped my hand out of his pocket and he flipped over. He was now awake and I had his full attention.

He took a look at my face and I saw his eyes widen a bit in shock but when he spoke his voice betrayed nothing.

"Hey little lady. What are you doing out in the middle of the woods. Didn't your mother ever tell you it's dangerous?"

Was he trying to enrage me further? I cocked my head, usually a gesture I associated with very large predators, like wolves.

"Kakuzu." The only thing that told he was indeed afraid of me was the flinch he gave as I softly spoke his name. "kakuzu there is a reason I told you no about my bangles. There is nothing I hate more than an in honest man. But a man who steals for greed is pretty high up there with it." I held a bangle in each if my hands then shook them out hard, once.

The bangles unfurled to reveal twin whips. I slid my chakra into the right whip and it burst into flames.

"Kakuzu, THREAD BURNS. He thought about that statement, hard. Then his face lit in grim acknowledgment of what I meant. I slashed at the ground and a small circle only just enough for kakuzu to stand in made itself present in fire. I slid my chakra into the other and a chill floated over the heat of the fire.

By now Hidan was getting up. there was a moment where pure confusion flitted across his face; however when he saw me it disappeared.

"Aiko what happened? I'm sure it wasn't serious enough to cause a forest fire." I slashed my ice covered whip at him but he smoothly dodged. Then suddenly my arms were being restrained. I let out a scream of irritation. Heads were gonna roll if Pein didn't let me go soon. I stomped my foot aiming for his toes but he slid his foot back while keeping the strong hold on my arms.

For a split second I lost my concentration, letting my chakra go unchecked and the flames burned too bright in my right and the ice grew too cold in my left. I dropped them and then there was darkness.

im so terribly sorry but im so booked lately for studying for aims and student council. Pleaze forgive me! *bows humbly*

Hidan's crazy ducking daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें