Dammit Mom

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Aiko trailed around the base. It had been a few days since her talk with Sasori. His story was a lot better than hers and instead of coming here of his own he was actually scouted by Pain and fought Konan. She chewed her bottom lip thinking over every thought she had. She was so focused on her thought she inadventently bumped Pain. Pain didn't move, She bumped him again, he refused to move it seemed. She grabbed his akatsuki cloak and threw him a good five feet out of her path for which the present akatsuki members, Sasori, Itachi, Hidan and Kisame hauled ass to get out of his fall path.

Hidan landed on a tip toe to Pain's left. Hidan dared spare a glance his way and was met with a peculiar stare on his leader's face as he stared at his daughter. Pain looked at Hidan right as he registered a semblance of what that look might be and froze. The clear anger had Hidan reassess his life choices when he had met kazumi in their pure unfiltered coldness.

A shiver of chillyness fluttered through the room. Aiko was making her way out of the room when Pain suddenly backhanded her. She flew, like I mean flew like she was an actual bird. Arms spread legs together and just took flight, backward however and straight into someones room door effectively breaking it into decorative wood chips.

No one saw her until she was upon Pain like....a wild cat. It was strange to see her attack this way. She was clawing and biting for all that she was worth, Pain didn't seem to register it however and back handed her again.

This time must have been harder because she flew straight back into the room and there was an audible smack and crash as she hit something and broke something else. Everyone stared at Pain in astonishment. "I have been lenient with you Aiko. But from now on you will show me respect as I lead this group, not you." She climbed mostly out of the room stopping to lean heavily on the little bit of frame that was left from her collision into it, the back of her hand was pressed to the edge of her lips which were bleeding.

She smirked at him her eyes were unnatural colors of gold, red, and purple, something Hidan had never seen.

Aiko climbed fully out a menacingly chill look in her eyes and a wicked smirk playing on her tan lips.

"Blah, blah, blah. You demand respect. I don't give a shit." Hidan shouldn't have been surprised however he couldn't help the way his eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Aiko, I think you should leave pain al-" His voice died at the penetrating glower she gave him. He swallowed hard but couldn't remove the rock that settled in his throat. If his daughter continued this way either she or pain might end up dead and neither one was a good thing in his book.

Aiko looked back at pain once her father was in check. She took a step toward him and looked at the floor. Her kimono's had always been long because her mother was a firm believer of modesty. She had went along with it even though it was kind of going against her religion because she loved her mom. The bottom of her kimono had previously been elegantly folded outwardly but the threads that held them that way were now undone she took a look at pain again before assessing herself before tearing the bottom half of the kimono of a little high above the knee. She looked at herself again and tore off the long sleeves so now she wore basically a mini dress with a bow.

She completely ignored the gawks she recieved from Sasori, and Kisame as well as the shocked and horrified look of Hidan. She stepped out of wood chip wreckage and was held back by Itachi. He slipped his cloak  over her torn garments and picked her up bridal style. She flailed furiously. Obviously she really wanted to give pain a taste of her respect for him. Itachi somehow kept her in his grasp all the way to her room where he laid her gently on her bed.

She immediately sat up and turned away from him crossing her arms. "Today was not the day Aiko. If you want to think you must either to it here in your personal room or outside of the base where no one would bother you." Itachi spoke hesitantly before taking his leave, gently closing her door. She flopped down on her bed.

"Outside the base where no one would bother, aye?"

Hidan's crazy ducking daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora