Seriously? Why not.

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We sat there a little while, both of us caught up for a moment in our own plots of revenge.

"Why don't you become a ninja then?" He suddenly spoke up and when I looked at him he was surprisingly not looking at me with his heated glare. We were alike; two sides of the same coin I would suppose.

"I don't want to become a Ninja. Ninja are the very things that destroyed my family." He gave me a level stare and said with so much competence I couldn't disagree.

"But what better way to destroy a ninja than becoming a better one than the one you are after." I stared back at him thinking it through. In truth I really was not a ninja. I was just someone who had been taught very well by someone who was...That guy...I think he died. My mind began to scatter again.

Did he die? I dunno, I hadn't seen him for a long time before I left. So maybe he did; He was a ninja after all. Or maybe he was called away to be helpful? Naw he said-

"Are you even Listening anymore?" I glared at him for interrupting my thoughts, but frowned because I hadn't been.

"What is it that you would like to say Uchiha?"

"Just...become a ninja and when you feel your strong enough to destroy all within your path to revenge, kill him. Kill him and make him know it was for your mother." I stared at him for a long time before a giddiness crept over me distorting my frown into a huge grin.

"I think I am beginning to warm up to this idea though I'm not one hundred percent sure. I'll think about it, good enough for you?" I asked in a benevolent way and he huffed looking away from me. He shrugged as we both stood.

"I don't care, do what you want. I just thought you'd want to consider it." We both turned as one when Sakura came bustling through the undergrowth of a bush not too far away. She examined me then Sasuke and all but leapt at him. I brushed past them as he was assaulted by the girl.

Become a ninja? I had never really entertained the thought of actually becoming a ninja wholeheartedly. I guess it would makes sense. If you were a simple regular person who wanted to learn to fight and kill successfully Becoming a ninja or a street thug are your most promising options and since I could probably kill any thug by now my best option is becoming a ninja. I sighed as I made it to the camp. Just as I stepped pass the trees the feel of steel was pressed deeply into my neck. I stopped in my tracks, held my breath and attempted to put on my best surprised act.

The person was behind me I couldn't see them but I knew they were obviously of this group otherwise the ever oblivious Naruto definitely would not still be alive. I narrowed my eyes when I saw Naruto stuffing his bruised face with portable cup Ramen.

"Who are you speak the truth or your life ends here." I opened my mouth but someone else answered in my defense.

"She's the girl who want's to become a ninja." I sharply glared at the presumptuous know it all as he appeared behind me without Sakura. "Hey, don't be mad your better off for this." I raised an eyebrow at him. The man behind me moved subtly but kept the blade to my throat. 

"How about a name Sasuke? Since you seem to have her life goal surely you know that right?"

"All I know is her name is Akari and her sister's name is Levi. No last name that I've heard. I also don't know what villages they come from but one is from the water country the other from the earth." There was a pause from behind me then the man said very cautiously. 

"I thought you said they were sisters." This was where I had to step in for no other reason than they were speaking as if I were not here.

"We are, we have different mothers and our father do I say so politely. He is a very powerful man but he delights in being a whore." She hid a subtle smile upon hearing her hatred for the man was firmly in place as her sentence oozed Sincerity and hatred. "Now that I've made my presence known where is Levi?" I hadn't seen her for a while and I had told them we were sisters. The Genin knew me to be a bit overprotective I should probably play that up.

Hidan's crazy ducking daughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora