Execute the plan

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Aiko watched from her high perch as Naruto entered Kakashi's line of sight. Kakashi seemed a bit surprised but regained his indifferent expression almost immediately. "Didn't you learn your lesson from last time?" Kakashi asked with a bit of disappointment in his voice. Naruto held his finger pointing at the sky before he yelled out to Kakashi.

"No way, Kakashi Sensei! This is to make up for last time. I'm going to get a clean hit on you or else I won't be able to say with conviction that I will become rightful Hokage!" Kakashi raised an eyebrow at Naruto's proclamation.

"Well alright then Naruto. Since you insist so much."  A light in my eye drug my attention to the opposite tree line. A signal that Sakura had finished in that area with her trap. I brought my hands to my lips, after a moment of thinking I shook my tree and called to her in bird as they flew away from me. The light hit my eyes twice more and I moved positions. 

I slid down the tree, Sasuke's eyes met mine and he nodded before going on his way up my tree. I scuttled my way over to Sakura's previous area and checked over her traps. Fixing them where I could and adding a few as I went. We were almost ready to spring on him. I left the traps and found a pink rabbit hiding in the grass. "I hope you have the bombs done, I'm going to get ready." The rabbit chirped at me and I nodded before finding a tall, sturdy tree; climbing it to the very top.  I found a strong branch near the top and set myself up there.

For three full minutes I sat there, ass aching and all but got what I needed. I was sleepier than before from the exhaustion. I yawned and went to climb down from the  tree, instead I slipped from the branch. The sudden jolt made me want to scream as my heart pounded against my rib cage. Free falling, I reached for a branch before my body went splat on the ground that was rapidly approaching. I caught a branch lazily hanging in between two huge trees, The wood ripped up my hands painfully but I refused to let go, I bit my lip hard until I tasted blood. With a swallow I readjusted my hands and almost slipped off. The blood was pooling under my grasp making it hard for me to get a firm grip. Time to get up or get dead. With as much force as I could muster without launching me to my death I swung myself on top of the branch. Securing my place before examining my hands. They were red and raw; skin was torn from the bottom up as if someone had been skinning my hands. I hissed at the sight of them, they were burning like a wasp sting. I slowly flexed my hands and bit down on my arm to stop myself from crying out. Shit was stinging like a bitch. Tears were beginning to prick the corner of my eyes. I did my best to ignore the pain and looked for a way down without using my hands.

Not many options presented itself the most appealing option seamed to be what I had planned from the get go. I took a leap down to the next branch I saw underneath me. I made my way down a few more times like that until the branches were too thin. The ground was a few too many feet below me. I should try to get to Sakura, hopefully she has enough knowledge to patch this up. But how should I get down. Or perhaps I should go ahead and signal for the plan to go ahead. No I can't attack well with my hands like this. Hm....I wonder if if I can't use-

I untied my sash it had a goo d length to it I realized and began tying it to the base of the branch I stood on. The end of the sash ended a fair bit above the ground but nothing that would harm me if I jumped down from the end. I flexed my fingers and swore at the pain to come before gripping the sturdy but soft material in my bloody grasp. It did hurt climbing my way down, I did my best to be quick but it would never have been quick enough. The sash began slipping from its knot. Which was surely impossible because as i know it had been knotted. I jumped down from the end of my sash and rolled to the grassy ground. My hands were beginning to ache from the stress of holding on so tightly. My sash stayed where it was, hanging lazily from the tree branch.

I stood up like a new born foul without my hands to steady me.

I looked up, then left and right attempting to get a fix on my position. I needed to go back the way I came. I started walking to my right.

Eventually I found the spot in which the traps were, Sakura should be hiding around here somewhere. I told her to stay close to the traps.

Before I could think of how to signal her she was there next to me.
"Oh my god what happened to your hands." She looked ill At the sight of them.

"We need to tell Kakashi-Sensei." She said frantically before turning to find him.
"What do you think your doing?" She looked back at me as if I were senile."This is a mission like any other. Do you expect on a real mission when someone gets hurt we will call it quits? That's why there are medical ninjas in the field. Now, how are you at medical Ninjutsu?" She seemed to get paler at my question.
"Sakura get over here and help my injuries it's what your here for." She snapped out of it, running to me already pulling out bandages from her bag.

"What exactly happened Akari?"
I said nothing to her question.
"Okay this may sting a bit but it will disinfect it from any harmful bacteria." I looked at the green liquid inside the small spray bottle. I knew what it was. It wasn't going to hurt as much as my hands already did.
"She sprayed it and bubbles formed almost automatically as bacteria was killed.The stinging was drowned out by the overall pain coursing through my battered body. Soon enough she was rubbing ointment on my hands then bandaging them. They felt better but they still hurt. I made a fist in each hand and winced inwardly.

I looked at Sakura. She'd done pretty good patching me up, still wish she had known med Ninjutsu though.
"Don't tell anyone else that my hands are hurt. Understood?" She seemed confused.

"But why, shouldn't the team know in case we need to change tactics?" I nodded. Her intelligence was beginning to show up.

"In a typical situation yes, of course." Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. At the same time we scattered away from where we were huddled under some tall bushes when Naruto rolled through looking rather beaten. I threw the signal to Sasuke and made eye contact with Sakura. We nodded to each other in silent acknowledgement before we separated.

I peered through a brush, Naruto was not very skilled at fighting from what I could tell. I heard a snap and took a deep breathe. My hands moved fast and awkwardly as I made the signs needed to summon Teraclaw. It was a albeit fast moment that felt incredibly slow to my damaged hands. But in the end there she was flying above me.

Two long minutes later I was sending her into Naruto's battle to fight Kakashi. She wasn't bad but she was beginning to get sloppy. I could tell because Kakashi was taken off guard by her initial rushing in out of nowhere but she wasn't able to snap those damn bells from his belt. There was another snapping sound then another and then a string of them. I made the call, whistling loud.

Teraclaw swooped around as if she were possessed. She had Kakashi distracted as the ground and air were littered with kunai, shuriken, and explosives. All of them were attuned to Sasuke and Sakura's Chakra. Some would explode some wouldn't yet.

I could almost see the moment Kakashi's eyes flashed when he saw the traps. I quickly threw a net out which he dodged effortlessly while fending off both Naruto and my carrion bird. What he didn't seem to notice were the caltrops that now scattered the ground in a wide area around him.

Five explosives rolled near the bushes where I were hiding. I had a strange feeling behind them but picked up one as I stepped out from hiding. I watched the moment Sasuke joined Naruto's fight being watchful of Teraclaw's attacks.

Hand to hand fights often do not last long. Mostly it is highly dependent on the fighters individual stats. A fighter who is strong vs a fighter who is fast. Or a fighter lacking in intelligence vs one high in technique. Stamina is also a very big reason why. Watching the fight between I am able to price together certain stats to their person.

There is a moment Kakashi takes a step back from his opponents and it is the perfect thing.

I throw as many explosives as I can. He sees the one aimed for his head and goes to dodge it. However he would not have been able to escape no matter how quick he was. The explosives were set in areas I gauged he would attempt to escape from.I whistled to my pet before the blast went up. There was a loud bang and then smoke was everywhere. I shielded my eyes from the blast of air while I waited patiently for Teraclaw. She gave a strangely muffled cry before flying over my head.

She tossed two bells into my palm and then took a seat above me, on a tree's branch. Sakura joined me almost as soon as Taraclaw did. I pocketed the bells and gave her a satisfactory nod. We both stood there waiting for the smoke to clear a bit more.

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