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Pein stood just on the inside of aiko's room. He wasn't as afraid of her as everyone else seemed to be. To him she was...a very complicated puzzle he would like to peice together. She wasn't complete and he wanted to see the whole picture, which wasn't unlike him completely just it had never happened with a person before. Everyone he had met where simple creatures too obsorbed in their simple wants or pleasures or reasons. She was more and she wasnt hiding it, not like he was.

Aiko stopped at her door when she saw him her eyes were narrowed and calculating. 'They were red' he thought staring into them. They hadn't been red before she left. Her silvery hair was streaked with red. She hadn't washed her hair correctly or used the right shampoo, but it didn't matter the red looked good in her hair.

"what are you still doing in my room? I thought I told you to get the fuck out?" She asked her voice calm and only mildly curious, her eyebrow raised, and her hands in a towel drying her hair. If he hadn't known the trick of hiding how truly terrifying you were he would have thought she was only asking. No, she was threatening him in a pleasantly innocent voice. She was doing the calm before the storm thing every greatly terrifying person had accomplished when they reached a certain power. She was so strong how could she hide it so well in that false calm?

She stared at him thinking the many ways she could torture him. or she could just kill him? But, she thought she didn't want to be the one to kill this groups leader and send a bunch of S-ranked ninjas to stir trouble. And even if they didn't go stirring trouble she had the distinct feeling killing him put her in power. Just because she posessed a lot of power did not mean she wanted more of it. She was strong enough to handle what would be thrown at her. So instead of simply putting him into the manacles she threatened him and waited for his answer.

It didn't come. Pein stood there staring at her small but firm form. She didn't look like it at first glance but she was a force to be reckoned with, something unstoppable. He decided then staring at the girl she would be a new akatsuki member, whether she considered herself one or not.

Aiko could see the gears of something turning in pein's dark eyes. Something important to him but before she could ask what he turned and left. It was unexpected.

As she stood there just looking out the door in which he left she spotted Sasori making himself a quick get away.She couldn't understand why they had both stayed around when she had made it clear they weren't to come near her room. Finally she blinked, shrugged, and closed her door so she could dry her hair and not associate with the people her father hung out with.

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