Help? No thank you.

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I ran back to the camp and saw Naruto was gone and Sasuke was absently glaring into the fire. I sat away from him but close to the fire. I glanced at him for but a moment then went into my own thoughts. I had forgotten about those marks on my back otherwise I would have never agreed to the bath. Damn, how was I gonna explain away this? I explored my options. I could kill them but that might look suspicious if they have already sent back the word of their return to their Kage. I thought of the chances of that. It was pretty likely now that I thought if it.

"What were you girls doing in the forest alone." Sasuke asked me suddenly bringing me out of my thoughts.

"We were playing and talking about where we should go next; why?"
"Who are you really."
"And don't say your a village girl, your movements are too controlled for a simple village girl as clumsy as you may seem." I made my eyes widen instead of narrow.

"Believe me or don't it doesn't matter to me. We won't be hanging around you long enough for me to care." He gave me a thoughtful look which I returned with a blank stare. We continued our staring match until Naruto and Sakura burst into camp like a pack of wild monkey's, Liela timidly coming up behind them. I watched her meek form silently sit next to me, her hair dripping water lightly onto her shoulders.
She didn't look at me for the longest time even as I blatantly stared at her with dark coal colored eyes. I knew they probably seemed cold but indifferent. Suddenly she glanced from her lap to me a look of something shocking flitted past her face before she landed her eyes back to her lap.
I turned my face to watch Sakura knock Naruto over the head. The pink haired teddy was yelling and and shrilling like a brown bear being attacked.

I stood slowly, drawing liela and sasuke's attention. As I turned away I noticed Sasuke narrowed his eyes at my back. Liela only stared worriedly at me. I casually shrugged the looks off as I walked through the forest foliage.

I turned my eyes up and scanned the sky. It was alit with hues of orange and pink. Dusk was settling over the country now. That means
I should gather Liela and we should return to the base. If she still needed to go to the market then we could visit the village in a day or so. It would also put less strain on me since those ninja's would most probably would have passed on by then; there would be no way of running into them again.

I took in a sharp breath as I  came to my end plan. I looked down as I  stopped walking. The turquoise water lapped at my feet gently. The pond was still sparkling. I let out another sigh at sudden and unplaced frustration.

"I think...we will go back now but..." For some reason against her obvious better judgement she didn't feel like going back to the base tonight. There was a shrill screech reverberating through the nearby forest and a picture of the pink teddy filled her mind. Although she wouldn't ever object to getting away from these ninja's.
"Ninja's bring nothing but grief and loss with them whether it be their own family or someone else's." I said bitterly thinking of my mother and the reason she died. My fist curled in on themselves until my knuckles were white and blood dripped from my palm where my nails bit into my skin.

I turned sharply only to find Sasuke leaning on a tree staring intently at me. For less then half a second my mouth hung agape before I pressed my lips together in a thin line masking my surprise.

He was only a Genin Ninja, I had expected him to be only a bit better than naruto. I guess now I shouldn't underestimate him. What was it sakura had said? "Sasuke is the best Genin ninja in the village." Hm... not bad but I also wasn't paying too much attention either so he wasn't too impressive.

"You speak as if you have personal knowledge." He said at last. I narrowed my eyes at him feeling the chill of my gaze sweep over him and cool the air around us. I sensed if I ever met him again we might always have this same chilly atmosphere. I also sensed a lone and damaged soul akin to my own. The bane of my gifts was now working yet again, telling me something within me was changing. My lip curled into a wicked grin as I eyed the impressive Genin before me.
His gaze hardened as he stared at me silently.

"You show me your scar and i'll show you mine." There was no doubt in my mind that he understood what I meant. He stared at me for a very long time before he opened his mouth to begin.

"Why should I? How do I know you'll really tell me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because I am a girl of my word, always." My teeth ground together as my memory trudged up my blood oath. Sasuke stared a little longer before he shrugged his shoulders non-chalantly. "My only brother killed our parents and our entire clan of ninja." I nodded my head. He took it a little bit further as he stepped away from the tree."No matter what I will get stronger and my brother will pay for what he has done. I will kill him with my own hands for betraying our clan."

I studied him silently. He was driven by vengeance as well. I let out a small chuckle. "I salute you on your mission."
I watched him study me again. "What about you?" My lips thinned and the amusement was sucked out of my body.

A wicked grin curled my face and I saw his face change. "Is it too much of a coincidence if I confide in saying I also seek vengeance." He looked at me again as the grin dropped, replaced instead by a cold gaze of hate. "My father left me and my mother at the age of three. He visited occasionally and he promised to always protect my mother and I....1 year ago my mother died. She was killed by tracker ninja's looking for him." Wiping a stupid stray tear covertly, I looked at Sasuke who was staring at me with a look of knowing. "He didn't keep his promise but I'll keep mine. I'll make sure I'll destroy that bastard anyway I can manage. I'm a girl of my word."

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