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"What's the matter with Aiko?" Konan whisper-asked Hidan at the breakfast table. Konan had taken time off of whatever important duties she had to join them this morning and see how everyone was adjusting to a girl who was actually in the base.

Hidan shrugged casually as if he were disinterested but Konan could see beneath his facade to the fatherly worry. "This isn't how I last saw her a few days ago? Your her father go talk to her." Konan continued probing.

Hidans shoulders slumped slightly as he gazed unabashedly at his daughter, who was leaning on the kitchen counter staring at a single spot in the dirt. Not at all noticing them. "I can't. She absolutely despises me. Besides," Hidan said a scowl on his lips not quite masking the hurt in his eyes. "If she doesn't want to be my daughter why should I be her father." With that he stood, dumped his food angrily into the trash and left stomping like a child.

The rattling noise seemed to draw Aiko's attention however. She turned her confused super pale violet eyes onto Konan who had a knowing smirk on her lips. "Konan, may I have a word with you?" Aiko said after much thought. Konan was the only one in the base Aiko treated with any respect besides Pain. But still she liked Konan better than she liked Pain so it was her she always sought out if she wasn't in a acrid mood.

"Sure, here or your room?" Konan asked beginning to stand from her seat. Aiko shook her head and Konan sat back down. Aiko walked behind Konan and braced her hands on Konan's shoulders before taking them off and pacing behind her chair. She walked back around the table and flopped into the chair across her unemotional companion. "You do not have to tell me, as you all ready know." Konan said noting Aiko's obvious procrastination. Aiko waved her off, before she bit her bottom lip drawing blood then nawing on the wound, a habit she had picked up after becoming immortal.

"Konan, what were your parents like?" Konan stared at the girl cooly with her large orange eyes.

"I dont kow, i never met them. I grew up in an orphanage." Aiko stared back at konan her pupils dilated to near nothing exposing clear purple eyes.

"I see. Then i can't ask you my question no offense." She said standing. Konan stood as well and bowed a little.

"I understand. If it is a question about parents in which i have no experience for myself there would be no way in which i could give you an appropriate answer. I would suggest going to Sasori. He had parents as far as i know and a grandmother who loved him." Aiko nodded at konan then smiled softly. It was a very tiny smile but it seemed to convey a million emotions.

"I should go speak to sasori though our encounters have been extremely scarce. I will speak with you again later then... if you are available." Aiko headed off down the hall toward Sasori's room.

Konan stood in the kitchen like a statue. What had that been? When Aiko had smiled there had been an easing in her stomach. Not like the fluttering when pain smiled but a greater joy. a serenity had fallen over her momentarily. Strange. She refilled her coffee then sat back in the chair, thinking of her encounter when suddenly a soprano voice called to her.

"You are acting maternal towards her. That is what is going on." She looked towards a dirt packed wall to find Zetsu gliding through it as he came in and grabbed himself a glass of water. "Before you object i dont think there is any problem with it. You have always had to be the mother figure even when you were a child hanging out with nagato." She didn't like that Zetsu knew so much about her but there was nothing she could do about it. She nodded in agreement to his assessment of her background of motherly instincts.

"I had believed my maternal instincts had died along with nagato. It seems Aiko has brought them back." They waited for a moment in silence.

"That child..." He said beginning to sink into the floor. "Is very....spunky." Then he left Konan to interpret his words as she liked.

"She is isn't she?" And Konan left too, to get back to her duties as now third most powerful in base but second in charge and second in power. {If you dont understand what it meant let me know and i will explain.}

Aiko found Sasori sitting in a corner of his room with wood chips littering the earth beneath him. He seemed content with his acts and for a moment Aiko was content in letting him stay in there carving wood for whatever reason as long as he wished. Then he broke their companionable silence.

"What is it that i have done to have you darken my doorstep?" She raised a pale eyebrow at him before giving him a quick and deceptive answer.

"What do you believe you have done to make me darken your doorstep?" Aiko asked inquisitively as she made her way further into the room. She sat down on deidara's bed and felt something give way beneath her. She stood to investigae and saw the back of her pants were mercilessly smeared with his explosive putty. She scowled at the stuff before returning back to Sasori who had been watching her with at first cautious interest and now vieled amusement.

"Your surprisingly calm today, though I suppose that could change later. Yep, soon Hidan will do something idiotic and you will rage before skinning him alive." There was a hesitation after and she filled it in for him.

"Like I nearly did deidara."

He laughed a little and nodded his red hair swishing a bit. "Like you nearly did deidara. He looked little more than chewed hamburger after you got through with him." He laughed a little then gave her a slightly disgusted face at the image. "To tell you the truth I've never met a girl so...."

"Volatile?" She supplied for him. Now he raised his dark eyebrow but smiled.

"Yes Volatile." She shrugged.

"I get that a lot from people...before they die." She watched his reaction to her added statement but he seemed unaffected. 

"I bet you do. How many times do you see such a volatile beauty?" She blinked.

"Huh? No, wait, forget it I can't stomach compliments of any kind. So Sasori tell me about your parents." Her plan had been to get him relaxed and then get him talking. If it didn't work she could always just rip his heart out dispite the poison. His face hardened then all emotions slipped away and he smirked mischeviously.

"And why might you be inquiring this, my dear? This is unlike you." She felt a throb of annoyance begin at her temple. 

"Sasori you don't know me, dont pretend you do. Besides who's business is it beside my own?" He smirked knowingly. 

"Okay what do you want to know?" She nodded in silent thanks.

"I want to know absolutely from your birth to how you joined the akatsuki." 

"What does my joining have to do with my parents?" 

"The repurcussions of whatever happened that drove you here." He smiled and she suddenly had the impulse to kick the shit out of him. He was using the knowledge she wanted to mock her and it was beginning to really piss her off. 

"Fine then, but this will take a while." She shrugged, so she had expected. Though you can hardly expect one's life story to be short can you? She gave him a look and he laughed, not so psycho like. kinda charming if you really listened. He started off and Aiko settled into Sasori's bed so she would be snug without losing sight of his facial features as he spoke.

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