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Aiko turned in her bed trying to get comfortable so she could go back to sleep. After a while she curled into a ball hoping that might help. Then she tried wrapping herself in a blanket cocoon but that didn't work either. Finally she spread out her limbs in an eagle fashion and just lay haphazardly on the sheets of her bed.

"You will try anything to stay in bed as long as you can won't you?." Her eyes, glazed from sleepy tears and crust, were blurry as she opened them.

"Mom?" Aiko whispered, her lip trembled as her vision cleared and her mother sat before her on the edge of her bed. Her mother was a beautiful woman. Milky skin and long silky palish blue hair. Her eyes had been a cloudy silver that shone like pearls in light. She smiled and Aiko jumped her mother. Hugging her so tight so as not to let go. She burrowed her face into her mothers mid section and sobbed like a newborn. She felt her mothers hand go to smoothing her hair.

"I love you mommy." The hand smoothing her hair hesitated before resuming the soothing strokes. Aiko waited for a response that didn't come. She stepped back, out of the embrace and dried her eyes. The face she saw staring down at her was not her mothers. It was a man wearing the mask of a bull. ANBU Black Ops. As she backed away a body materialized in his arms. Lifeless and bloody. Little Aiko's curiosity got the better of her and she slowly, cautiously approached the ANBU man kneeling by the body, stopping two feet away. The man didn't say anything but their was an aura of sadness around him. Aiko looked him in the mask then glanced at the body. She took a second look at the body and Horror and grief filled her immediately. Their was no mistaking the pale blue hair or the no longer smiling face. Aiko's eyes filled to the brim and spilled over as she stared down at her mother.
She rushed over to her mother and hugged her. Clinging to the dead body as if it were a raft and she were out at sea. She cried into the shoulder of her mother. Screaming for her mother to wake up.

Aiko was jerked awake by her fathers incessant yelling. She looked at him. His face was clouded in worry. And the aura of pain and grief and sadness and regret clung to him. He was perched beside her bed. A cool wash clothe in his hand. The other hand traveled from his side to her face before she could register it. She smacked it away off her forehead lightly as she moved to get up.

"What the hell are you doing in my room? Get out, now." She croaked facing the wall opposite him so she could dry her eyes without him seeing, though he saw anyway.

"You were talking loudly in your sleep so I was forced to come check on you." She turned to him.

"How nice of you to come check on me because the rest of them forced you." He sighed frustratedly.

"Aiko its not like that."

"Yes it is. Get out."


"Get out! Get out or ill make you get out." She turned back to the wall and waited. She heard him shuffle around for a few moments before she heard the door click shut. She expelled all her anger with a long sigh and thought about her dream. About her nightmare. About her memory.
The man tried to gently pull her off but she wouldn't let go. Couldn't let go of her mother. If she did they would take her body and burn her before burying the ashes. The man gave up in gentleness and had to pry her from her mother. He held her to him as others with masks took her mothers body away. Aiko kicked and screamed and clawed and bit at the man. But he didn't retaliate. Eventually she tired of the fighting and just rested against the man sobbing uncontrollably into his abdomen.

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