Pyre for the dead

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"Aiko! Signal us if your close!" Hidan almost screamed too near Pain's ear for comfort. Pain moved away from Hidan as he searched for the girl himself, Hidan hesitantly following behind. A while ago they had left the spot they had last seen her settle in. No doubt she had most likely made a camp somewhere in the safer parts of this jungle, pain thought as he continued through a brush where he heard sounds of water lapping and stretched splashing. They came upon the bank of a small river overflowing with greenery, doubtless it was connected to the waterfall.

Lily pads occupied the river and various other plant life. Pain could see Aiko's silhouette against the night's bright moon's light. She was turned away from them but her face was angled upwards. He didn't know if she were angled for them or if she was paying attention to her home villages bewitching sky. In his home village the sky's are always grey and cloudy if it isn't raining; effectively blocking any glimpse of the sky, stars or moon.

Hidan's face reddened at his daughters exposed body in front of his leader so visibly. Of course her body was turned away but he could still see the back, even though the moon was so bright you could barely see it at all without being blinded.

"Pain-Sama maybe we should wait to meet with her since she is bathing..." He asked but suddenly Pain's muscles went taught as a wind blew his hair away from his face, he looked back at his daughter thinking something had happened. There was nothing particularly wrong he saw. Until another wind blew their way and he smelled blood, it was thick in that wind. There was a peek of glittering serpentine eyes that had him even more protective of his daughter. Orochimaru had recently gotten word of his daughter being an Akatsuki member, which she wasn't. He knew Orochimaru had been interested in finding out who she was....that was what Deidara had told him after he and Sasori went to meet him. He knew if Orochimaru was interested there was no good reason for that. He had tried to keep her close to him so she wouldn't be exposed to him, so he couldn't do anything to her.

"Go to the camp, it's about half a mile in that direction." Aiko said pointing distantly west. He could see a hint of a glow above the trees in the general direction she had pointed to. "If you find anything moving grab it for dinner." And then Hidan saw a long flash of sparkling black that he recognized almost immediately. She dived into the coruscating waters with barely a sound and as quick as lightning.

Back when they were a real family their village was a lot more old school. Women are the only ones allowed to go into the free waters around here so Hidan had made her an Obsidian Hunting knife. Her first hunting trip had been for fish with her friends who had also been around her age; Kasumi had overseen them on those trips as these waters belonged to her ancestry.

As he knew it Obsidian was a brittle mineral, typically a one use weapon for the fact that as it was extremely sharp it was prone to dissolving or softening after wards which had made it tricky to make as he vaguely recalled. He wondered if she had ever used it before or if she had found a way to keep its shape as he herded a rightfully reluctant Pain to the glowing light in the forest.

Aiko, now dressed strutted into the camp sporting a whole rope made of braided....grass over flowing with rainbow colored fish. She dropped them on the surprisingly sturdy stick grill that was over the fire. It looked like they had already been gutted and scaled. Pain caught the glistening gold eyes following from behind her, immediately he stood.

"If you try she'll bite you. Her poison causes you to melt from your bones outward in a bloody mess. " Aiko said turning her sharp eyes on him a small smirk on her lips. Hidan didn't even want to speculate exactly how she knew what the snakes poison did.

Pain didn't sit back down instead he wandered off where she had come from.

"Now what would you need to wash for?" She mused behind him, loud enough for Pain to hear. She chuckled sweetly before she flicked her eyes in the direction of her village. "Men wash using the villages water only." With that Pain left. They didn't see him for some time until the fish were being pulled off the rack. The first fish was thrown straight into the snakes mouth before Aiko then separated them evenly between them all.

"So, I suppose you wont be summoning Teroclaw if you have that thing." She sent him a withering glare and he was afraid he'd get stuck in that position like before. But when he wiggled his toes he found them still functional. He breathed a sigh of relief, though that relief was short lived.

"You're right. I wont have much need for Teroclaw. She is very dedicated to my cause however at this moment, in this situation Xiuhcoatl would be a lot more effective, and if need be efficient in dispatching anyone." The melodic, and malign voice was thoughtful and calculating in its very essence. Hidan thought back to what Pain and he had found in her old bedroom. What they had pieced together, after combing through the wreckage of his old home.

"Aiko. We saw your old room and Kasumi's." He watched her eyes grow dull and her face grow more vicious if that were at all even possible.

"Yes, and?" She asked, her voice so empty it broke his heart.

"Were you tortured, Aiko?" Pain asked with almost an equally empty voice. She turned to him and smirked cruelly.

"Now why would you think that? Do I give you guys that impression?" Her lips curled ever so slightly in light amusement that Hidan recognized and was relieved to see. So, she hadn't been tortured or she was an extremely good actor. Hidan felt like it didn't burn to breathe now. No one deserved torture...least of all not a child, not his child.

Pain wasn't convinced, not when she had spoken in that vacant tone but he didn't voice his opinions.

Soon enough after the fish were either eaten or put away they all readied themselves for sleep. Hidan slept leaning against a sturdy tree. Pain simply closed his eyes where he sat cross legged on the ground bear the fire. Aiko sat dozing and leaning against a tree as well though she was perched on a high but thick and sturdy branch. Xiuhcoatl curled around the branch just abover her head.


She woke up in the middle of the night with the sound of a crack fresh in her ear almost hysterical though she was silent. She wiped her sleeves across her overheated face. Her skin felt sticky and hot. Her back itched. She deftly jumped down and headed for the river that was too deep to really be considered a river, again. Xiuhcoatl trailing swiftly behind, her gleaming eyes in stark contrast to the darkness beneath her.

She was sitting naked on a rock in the middle of the river when her newly sensitized senses picked up the smell of burning wood and alcohol. She could tell both smells were far off so she didn't bother with truly acknowledging them. She let herself cool down and relax her foot dipped in the chilly water as she watched the freckled sky's reflection in the river's rippling surface.

A wind rushed against her exposed back, slicing effortlessly through her thick long hair and she drew herself closer in. It gave her chills but not because it was cold.

She saw the fire lighting the trees a while before they appeared. They had been relatively quiet, she'd give them that. From the treeline they emerged and for a moment just watched and stared at her in the river naked. All of them were men and at the head of this party was the boy she'd seen earlier in the forest. His blonde braid was plainly visible in the light of the torches most mem held. He wore a smug smile.

"Hello, my sweet. Remember me?"

 Remember me?"

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