Yearly Reminder

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The rope chafed on my wrists as they roughly pulled me through the harmless forest toward the village. We had been walking for only a little while but we arrived when the sky was just lightening. The twigs and branches beneath my feet were barely disturbed.

No one seemed to notice how content I was in such a seemingly distressing situation. I hadn't been planning on coming into the village. I knew that the women here would burn the village itself down if only to keep me away. It seemed however the men were eager for me to face the hurt and angry faces of their women.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath wondering what I might say to Miŕala and Quince. What would I say to their mothers. Would I even get the chance to speak before they were upon me? Speaking practically I could kill everyone in the village, however considering what I did if the women decided to kill me I wouldn't stop them.

We stopped and I opened my eyes to behold my sparkling and beautiful home village. It wasn't what I saw in the slightest. The place before me was an utter pigsty. I saw the well in the middle of the vast land that indeed told me I was in the right place. The beefy man holding my rope jerked painfully I snarled at him and he gave me a gap toothed smile before yanking again, harder. I almost fell on the ground but somehow kept my balance.

I should snap his neck and split his spine for doing something like that. I thought on it for a moment before deciding to wait. I am patient only when I am a predator stalking my prey.

"You shouldn't have done that." I huffed smiling under my breathe.

"And why not?" Said the boy entering my vision field. I had gone about 15 minutes without seeing his mug around and I was rapidly growing bored. I felt my lips curve higher as I finally got interested in something. 15 minutes of boredom for me was like 3 hours. "You have been captured you know? You aren't going anywhere so you can wipe that smirk off your face."

I chuckled a bit at his stupidity. "Have you successfully delusioned yourself into thinking this morning was a fluke on my part?" His jaw tightened but he said nothing and my huff of laughter made him angrier. "Stupid boy. If I wanted to, you would all be wrecked- would have been before any of you had stepped foot on that bank at the river. All of this?" I motioned to the men in a loose semi-circle guarding me. "Is futile and extremely counter productive if your product was your life, I assure you." The brat looked like he was ready to snap my neck in two. Slowly he walked closer to me. I didn't bother to dodge when he striked me against the cheek.
I smirked with malice.
"Was that all you had? Liela could dish out a harder punishment than that and she's 7."

When we locked eyes I could see his rage just beginning to bubble. "Oh what's wrong, fear caught your tongue?" I taunted him chuckling. I saw him figuratively erupt.


He grabbed my face in a tight hold and stared me in the eyes for a long moment before letting go with a smirk.

"Your nothing special, easily breakable." I scoffed. "Like all the others." The forming grin was wiped clean from my lips. I was silent for but a moment as my face cleared of emotions.

"Others?" He laughed before leaning in close to my ear.

"The women that were living here. Worshipping a river goddess. What stupidity. They were easily broken I did a nice amount of the girls around." His hot breath caressed my exposed shoulder. I leaned my head back to see the matter-of-fact look on his face. There was no noticeable look of guilt or anything.

There was a loud "thwack" sound as pain exploded in my head I felt a slow trickle of blood begin it's descent down my face from my forehead. Within the next 5 seconds the ropes were scattered around the ground.

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