Chapter 11:Why me

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Tate quietly sneaks in and goes to the employee's room to use the restroom.

Tate Frost
"Man that guy made a mess all over me , at least not on my pants."

Tate removes his axe, shirt , and apron drenched in blood.

He grabs a washcloth and puts water on it and scrubs the blood off his face,he then puts his shirt and apron in the sink scrubbing with soap trying to get the blood off.

Tate Frost
"Cmon dammit, come off!"

Tate growls scrubbing hard fighting against the wretched blood stains.

Sooner or later (technically a hour) he finally got the blood off ,breathing with his fingers sorta tired .

He squeezed the soap and water out of his clothes and then realized was he gonna dry them off.

Tate Frost

As Tate sorta raged by his lose in the restroom you were at the front still checking people out.

"Ik Tate should be fine but he's been gone for a fricking hour and I had to put a sign on his counter saying he'll be back soon."

As you questioned about his absence Tate was in the room searching for stuff and he found a package of curtains and he sighed knowing he had no other choice , he knew he couldn't come out in the store shirtless because he thought no one would want to see a shirtless butcher except you.

Tate Frost
"Why do I feel like this will embarrass the hell out'a me."

He rips the package and takes a curtain and wraps it around himself like a towel.

He takes a deep breath and grabbed his shirt , apron and axe (that he cleaned off screen)

He sighs again at the door and opens it and starts walking towards the front desk where you were.

As you kept scanning you started hearing a bunch of snickering and laughs , you look to see what the people were laughing out at and then you saw Tate.


As he walked up to you you were more speechless than laughing.

Tate Frost
"I'm probably gonna need to check out early Sha , I washed my apron and shirt and I forgot we have no working dryer."

"Why did you need to wash your stuff anyw-"

You stopped and stared at him like "you did it didn't you?"

Tate shook his head yes and you sighed having your hand over your face .

"Fine, you can go, I guess be careful."

He smiled and kissed your forehead and walked out of the store ignoring all the laughs he was receiving, you felt bad for him so you clapped you mr hands together loudly.

"Ok everyone that's enough now! Go back to shopping!"

For the next 8 -9 hours it was nothing but work and scanning but then the last person was finally gone you hurried and rushed to close the store.

You stood outside the store in your coat staring at the starry night sky admiring the beauty of the moon making all the snow look like it was glowing.

"Phew ,finally I can go to my roommates house and finally relax and take a very VERY warm bath."

You looked to your car's direction but you saw it was gone, you ran towards where you car use to be and you started freaking out.

"No please god don't do this to me now give me a brea-"

Your rambling was then interrupted by the sound of a horn and you jumped and looked ,you saw Tate leaning against the door of his truck with the window down.

Tate Frost
"Need a lift Honey?"

Tate grins at you and looked and saw your car hooked up at the end of his truck.

You smile and walk up to him. He opens the passenger down for you and climbed in.

You sat in your seat feeling like your being lifted and you saw Tate hop in on the driver side and closes the door.

"You sure you don't actually mind this? I was just gonna drive to my roommates house finally after everything."

Tate Frost
"I don't mind it one bit , plus it's to sorta make up for leaving ya by your lonesome at the store basically all day.Just call me your chaperone of the night."

You smiled and climbed over to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you."

Tate Frost
"Don't mention it."

Tate blushes a bit . You both put your seatbelts on and Tate cranked the shaft and started driving ( of course with headlights on).

You pulled up the directions to your roommates house and set it between you guys.

"Tate ,I got a question"

Tate Frost
"Lay it on me, Sweetheart."

You stare out the window for a few minutes nervous to ask and then you looked at him.

"Why did you kill the guy from earlier?"

Your question made Tate silent but he knew you were gonna ask sooner or later.

Tate Frost
"Because he hurt you."

"And your response to that was taking his life?"

Tate Frost
"Pretty much"

You went silent not knowing what to think, on one end you liked that but on the other end you knew it was still wrong.

"I thank you but idk if it was the right choice."

Tate sighs

Tate Frost
"Ik you think wrong about me killing but it's a part of me I don't really think I'm gonna give up."

Tate Frost
"Ik you would want me to try but when I meet people like that , they disgust me more than I disgust myself."

You felt a little bad from that sentence and you put your hand on his arm.

"Well you don't disgust me , Ik there are gonna be people in this world that you just honestly hate but they are never gonna leave."

Tate looks at you for a second and looks back.

Tate Frost
"Ik , but I'm gonna be there for you and one part about relationships I never forgot was that you always protect your other half no matter what cost, and if it means killing then so be it."

You blush by his response, you started thinking about what words to choose next out of your mouth and then you had it.

"I will let you be yourself, you do what you think is right by you, I won't judge you."

Tate pulls the truck over and parks and looks at you.

Tate Frost
"You won't judge?"

You shook your head yes.

"As long as you don't flirt or try to fuck other people."

Tate laughs.

Tate Frost
"You don't ever need to worry about that Sha,because."

Tate sorta climbs over to you with a face of lust and his purple eyes we're staring straight at you.

Tate Frost
"Your the only person I could ever see myself doing that to now~"

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें