Chapter 39:Who's weak now?

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*After you saw the weird glitching on Jacks body you wanted to leave ,but sadly you knew you couldn't because you were still on your job and you couldn't afford getting your paycheck ripped up,so you waited*

Night fell.

You let out a sigh as you were sweeping.

About time to close at least, just gotta unload these few boxes and I can leave.

Set the broom down and grabbed the boxes.

"Movies, snack, and blankets."

You made you way over to the movie area and looked at the huge display of TV's .

"I really should get a new tv for my room after my next paycheck, the one I have now is a bit old."

You opened the first box and placed all the movies in the right places.

"Ok, next snacks."

Walked towards the snack isle and opened the box.

"Like always, off brands. But I can't lie some off brands are actually good."

You grabbed each pack and placed it on the shelf.

"Last, blankets."

You walked towards the bed area.


You started thinking about the plan , Tate moving , and Jack possibly being a ghost.

"What am I gonna do...I know I try hard to have a simple day but I don't think I will ever see that."

"How am I gonna think of a plan in time before Tate moves and it has to involve getting the police to go away which I have no idea how I'm gonna do that."

"And Jack being a ghost doesn't help....I mean I don't want to think he is but there is a possibility he is and..."

You let out a sigh.

"Lord , I know I don't pray to you almost at all basically but cut your girl a break! Please!"

You look down and placed the blankets up and headed towards the door.

You exited the doors and locked up for the night.


"Ik I will think of something, my brain has to , possibly not now now but."

You looked at the store.

"I will definitely have something in mind later."

You got in your car and drove home.

*At Tate's trailer*

Tate Frost
"God I forgot how annoying packing is."

Places some of his things in a box.

He lets out a sigh.

Tate Frost
"I wish I didn't have to move but god this is just not fair!"

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now