Chapter 34:Stay happy!

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*After you heard the approval , you notice a bit of smoothie on Max's nose*

"Hey Max ,hold still for a bit."

Max Croswell
"Huh? Hey wait!-"

You got close and wiped the little smoothie drop off  Max's nose but as you retrieved back you notice something on the tissue you used.


You examined closely to find out you wiped off some foundation ,you wouldn't think Max would wear makeup but to your surprise it was indeed makeup.

"Hey Max ,do you wear-"

You look to see no one beside you anymore.

You looked around and you saw Max dashing to the restroom.

"Wait Max!!!"

You run after them but before you could grab ,Max went inside.

"Max ,What the hell!"

You growled in annoyance and sat on the sidewalk to wait.

"What the hell was that for?! It's like Max is hiding something just like with



*Few minutes later Max comes out*

Max Croswell
"Hey! Srry I left like that , I really had to use-"

You hurried and wiped Max's nose again but this time when you checked , there was no foundation mark or any sign of makeup.

Your face was in question.

Max Croswell
"What is it? Did I not get all the smoothie off my nose?"

"No....your clean."

Max Croswell
"Well that's good, don't need to be all sticky."

Max smiles.

Max Croswell
"Now, how about we continue our walk?"


You and Max continue walking , going past all the happy people ,laughing and having a ball.

"Even though I'm happy , why can't I be that happy?"

Max looks at you.

Max Croswell
"What was that?"

You look at Max.

"Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all."

Max Croswell

As you guys kept walking you came across a axe throwing game.


Max Croswell
"Oh my."

You watch as each player throw the axe but kept missing the red target.

"Well that's extremely annoying to watch, Tate would throw better than all of them."

Max Croswell
"I would have to agree."

"Hmm, I'll be right back."

You walk over to the people playing the game.

"Hey, is it ok if I have a go?"

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