Chapter 41: Calling Truths

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*Two -Three days has passed since you saw Tate and told Jack the plan, work has been on your toes dealing with almost every kind of customer there was , at home you and Jack would discuss and write out plans at the table, you knew Tate needed to be there as well to listen to everything but Jack still did not want him around (even though you all have a part in the plan) and to be honest you were getting tired at this point not having Tate around to listen to the plan so you brought it up to Jack again*

"How many times do I have to say no?!"

"Jack ,you know we need him here to listen to the plan and help us out on it as well, I'm sorry you still don't like him but at this point you need to call a truths with him."

Jack crosses his arms and looks away grunting.

"I'm serious Jack! I'm getting tired of this nonsense, it has gone on long enough and you know it, and you agreed to help me! So you gotta!

"I know I agreed to help and I know I can't back out now , but this is annoying.

"Well your being annoying."

Jack looks back with a shocked face like he was offended.

"Oh don't give me that!"

You reach over the table and pull his collar to your face.


"Call a truths. NOW."

Jack started shaking his head yes repeatedly.

You let go and get your phone out and dial Tate's phone number.

"Now let's see if he even picks up."

You bring your phone up to your ear as you listened to it ring.

Tate (on phone)
Picks up "Hello?"

You sigh in relief he answered.

"Hi dear!"

Tate (on phone)
"Sweetheart! How ya doin'?"

"Oh I'm doing just fine! So I called because I have a few things to tell you, also Jack has something to tell you too."

Tate (on phone)
"Really? I thought that blue haired Cotten candy lookin' bitch still hated my guts."

Jack stares at the phone.

"He did for awhile I can't lie,but he has something to say to you right now."

You turned towards him and gave him the phone.

Jack frowned but put the phone up to his ear.


Tate (on phone)
"So you got something to say to me Mr.Blue Raspberry?"

Jack gritted his teeth in anger tempted to just hang up but knew he had to say it to make you happy.

"Look. I'm here to call a truths.."

Tate (on phone)
".....And you sure what your saying to me right now is not a half ass lie?"

"IT'S NOT!-"

He takes a deep breath.

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