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Hello guys Author of the fanfiction here!

So with chapter 50 coming it's way as so my break of course I wanted to make an announcement.

So after this break we will be coming close to the end of the fanfiction, to be honest I'm sad because this was the first story I have ever done and seeing how far I have come with this story has been a delight and always seeing comments and all the reads this story has gotten is the reason why I kept going , because people were actually enjoying it and it makes me happy that I kept going.

Like if no one was enjoying it I possibly would've stopped way back.

But with all of you I was able to keep writing and coming up with so many ideas some random, cool, scary, gross, (sexual), packed with action, and funny.

After this story I'm not sure what's gonna happen because I mean I worked on this story for two months and I always kept on being called a crackhead by my friends because of how much I would keep writing chapters , I couldn't help myself, I was doing it for the fun, and love of you guys because whenever I wrote I thought of the readers and also myself, I knew when to take a break, I knew what to include and what not to include, and I learned to improve.

The climax of the story is what has been on my mind for a month and I always had the thought of like "how should his fanfiction end?" Almost everyday I kept putting pieces together and figuring out how to end this and I now have it in mind, it's only a matter of time before I let it out lol

If I make more fanfictions I hope you guys will follow my journey (even though it depends on who's in it)

I guess that's enough from me for right now, I do not want to get emotional.

Hope you all have a great day or night. Stay tuned for chapter 50!!!

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