Chapter 32:This is for the best..

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*You guys finally arrived back to Max's place*

Tate sighs.

He gets out and opens the passenger door seeing you still asleep.

Tate Frost
"Well ,your home.."

He picks you up and carries you to the front door.

You sorta squirm in his arms from the pain pressure.

Tate Frost
"Don't worry, we're almost in.."

He stoops down checking under the welcome mat and grabs a key.

He unlocks the door and both of you head inside.

Tate Frost
"Now we jus-"

Max Croswell
"So ,your finally home."

Tate turns to see Max standing at the staircase looking at him.

Tate Frost
"Y-Yeah , we left my moms a bit early , she fell asleep in the truck."

Max Croswell
"More like you escaped and got her hurt."

Tate was silent.

Tate Frost
"How do you-"

Max Croswell
"I have my own ways of figuring out."

Max Croswell
"You went out and got my friend hurt"

Tate Frost
"I didn't mean to-"

Max Croswell
"You know , I should've sticked to my guts and not have trusted you."

Tate Frost
"Look it wasn't my fault , she went out when I said not to-"

Max Croswell
"And yet you took her with you when you knew you could've just went by yourself!"

Tate Frost

Max Croswell
"Why did I trust you, like really why!?"

Max Croswell
"My only best friend that you almost got killed!"

Tate Frost
"Max , please stop."

Max Croswell
"No! I trusted you!"

Max Croswell
"And the only reason I trusted you was because, Y/n loved you!"

Max Croswell
"I knew you were sketchy from the very beginning!But I was forced to trust you!"

Max walks over to your body and lifted your shirt to see the taser burns on your side and stomach.

Max Croswell and Tate Frost

Max Croswell
"Tate, I want you to leave."

Tate Frost

Max Croswell
"You heard me. Get out."

Tate started to get irritated.

Tate Frost
"Look, I'm not leaving Y/n, now that we're-"

Max Croswell
"Wanted criminals, I told you , I know."

Max Croswell
"But I know for a fact they are more after you than her."

Max Croswell
"And I'm gonna keep my friend safe more than you , you Southern ,Cajun motherfucker."

Tate's hands turn into fists.

Tate Frost
"You better shut your damn mouth."

Max Croswell
"I'm afraid not since I've been shutting yours more this entire conversation."

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now