Chapter 42: Plan set and Match

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*As you all sat at the table munching on the creamy fluff dessert you decided to go ahead and get out the poster showing the whole lay out map of the store , showing each isle and section with markings  and arrows in specific colors that are suppose to represent you three, Jack was marked in blue, you were marked in red ,and Tate was marked in green. You and Jack explained the whole plan to Tate , he agreed to most of it seeing it as a plan that should go, but he did of course have his input and opinions on a few things.*

Tate Frost
"So I won't be able to use my axe for this plan?"

"Sadly I'm afraid not, mostly because of the distance of swinging it can reach."

"Yes, you are able to control the your axe quite well I will agree but I think you would want something that can have greater distance when attacking."

Tate Frost
"So I wouldn't have to get too close."


"That's why instead of the axe , we're gonna put you with a yard scythe to work with."

Tate Frost
"Seems fair."

"We won't have to worry about the cameras because Jack is gonna corrupt them by getting into the system."

"Now his main areas of course he's gonna take care of is where electronics are at, power tools, and kitchen appliances."

"Will be fun but hopefully not tricky."

"You and me are gonna focus away from those areas and work with the toy area, food section, , living room/ bed area,  etc."

Tate Frost
"Ok, I gotta say you guys really thought this out , very smart."

"Well it was mostly her ."

Tate Frost
"I can tell."

Tate smirks at you.

You blush a little.

"So, when do you guys think we should do this?."

"Tomorrow night, we should at least grab more rest and energy before."

Tate and Jack nod heads in agreement.

"For now let's just enjoy ourselves until then."

*After the discussion you guys chilled out for the rest of today, laughing, watching cornball movies , and playing video games while you sat on the couch watching Tate and Jack bicker about characters again.You missed this.*

*Night rolls around*

You were on the roof of the house looking at the moon.

"Sigh, I'm glad Tate is back and I'm glad Jack isn't as mad anymore and they are actually sorta bonding again."

"The plan is done and everyone knows what they are suppose to do now."

"But. What if it doesn't work..."

"Jack could run out of energy, Tate could fall captured , I mean Ik it takes a lot of people to hold him down but....."

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now