Chapter 44: Bring out the big guns

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*After you and Tate took care of the group 2 you decided to take a little stroll over to group 1 in the meat section*

"So how do you feel so far?"

Tate looks at you.

Tate Frost
"About the plan?"


Tate Frost
"I mean it's working so far, actually quite fun, like huntin' for deer but it's humans."


He thinks.

Tate Frost
"Ummm so , after we're done can I collect the bodies myself?"

"Sure , gonna want some help hiding the bodies?"

In his mind he was thinking about using the meat for eating, not just hiding.

Tate Frost
"I think I got this myself Sha' ,don't need to get your pretty self in a sweet mess."

"Ok then."



Tate looks at you questioned as you guys kept walking.

"I don't know if we have discussed this before but."

Tate Frost

"I wanted to talk about this at a safer and calm time but I can't stop thinking about it."

Tate Frost
"What is it? You can tell me."

You blush nervously and rub your hands.

"What do you honestly think about marriage and kids?"

Tate Frost

Tate's hair frizzles up in shock as he blushed from your question.

"This is what I meant by a better time but idk how this will you know go so , I kinda wanna get this over with."

You and Tate stop walking and look at each other.

Tate Frost
"Well....I -umm.."

He rubs the back of his head thinking hard.

Tate Frost
"I actually gave up marriage a long time ago, mostly because I thought I wouldn't really find a partner I would want to be with for the rest of my life."


Tate Frost
"But , since I have you I actually wouldn't mind that to be honest , I mean once all the crazy crap is done and gone , I wouldn't sorta mind gettin' married."

Tate Frost
"And a child I never thought I would be a great father figure but again since I have you , I wouldn't mind a lil sugar dumplin' , and sweet potato running around."

You look at each other smiling.

Tate Frost
"A life with you is something I wouldn't trade for the world."

He says in a warm voice.

"Me either."

As you guys went in for a kiss you heard talking not too far away in the meat section.

"Hey, do you think there might be some left over money back here?"

Tate Frost

Tate Frost
"My work station...."

"Let's go then."

*At the meat section*

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now