One fanfic idea is getting thrown away

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Hello guys! This will be the last post I will make on here regarding things separate from the first story.

So as you all have probably been reading the sequel and Sunny day Jack fanfic I know you all have probably noticed a fanfic I did not release.

So the one not released is the spooky month fanfic I was coming up with but recently I found out about all the drama that has been circulating around on tiktok and honestly I feel the fandom is getting a bit toxic now, like there is war and I'm over here like "ummmm...." So I decided not to make that fanfic sadly because I don't really feel right doing a fanfic on something that is currently having drama and backlash it just doesn't make me feel good.

I'm sorry if I disappointed people but I felt like I needed to get that out and not leave it empty.

Instead I have something else I plan to put in place of it and I'm not sure how it will be loved but I plan on doing a fanfic for Fem reader with one of my Oc's

(Don't worry he's a big boy)

His name is Taiga Gale , this is his character sheet and everything about him is on there

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His name is Taiga Gale , this is his character sheet and everything about him is on there.

He's been an Oc of mine since god idk when ,been through many evolutions.

I've been wanting to do something with him so here we are ,let's just hope the story is good 👍

(More details will come later on)

Welp , back to me writing on the Jack fanfic.

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now