Chapter 15: What a wonderful day for murder!

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30 minutes have passed since you guys left from the house.During that time you were relaxing to Tate's playlist while looking at all the snow out the window.

"You know, even though some of the music isn't suppose to be relaxing,it still finds a way to make me want to doze off."

Tate Frost
"Yeah, after you listened to a specific genre it actually stops affecting you as much."

Tate takes a quick look at you and see you yawn

Tate Frost
"You know honey, if your tired ,I don't mind ya falling asleep in here."

You yawn again

"You sure?...."

Tate Frost
"Mhm, I'll let ya know when we're there."

You lay to the side adjusting yourself to feel comfy,you then close your eyes and went to sleep.

Deep inside your mind.

You know it's all your fault.

Y/n (sleep dream)

What you did will never be forgotten .

We can't believe you.

Y/n (sleep dream)
"No it wasn't! "

And yet they still allowed you to go free?

You need to be locked up.

Y/n (sleep dream)
"Stop it!!! It wasn't me!!!"

Y/n (sleep dream)
"I didn't mean it! It was the person's fault!"

Look at you still putting blame on others.

What would your family say to someone who's a worthless lie like you.

You will never escape us.

Until you pay for what you did those years ago.

Y/n (sleep dream)
"Leave me alone!!!"

It will only be a matter of time before Tate finds out.

Y/n (sleep dream)
"Leave him out of this!!!!"

Who knows , maybe he might like you after the fact.

Y/n (sleep dream)
"Please....leave me alone."

You beg all you want but we will never stop

White figures form around you covered in blood.

Y/n (sleep dream)

The figures start to whisper your name as they got closer.

Y/n (sleep dream)


As the figures got closer to you the creepy sounds fainted for it was Tate calling your name.

You wake up.

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now