Chapter 24:Day of embarrassment

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*As the week passed by you couldn't shake what the clone said to you off your head , but you were able to set the feeling aside and focus on your job, finally receiving your first paycheck at the end, so as to celebrate you decided to cook breakfast yourself for everyone on your day off*

Max Croswell
"Ok I got you this time!"

*Max mashes buttons like crazy on the controller*

Tate stares watching Sub Zero like he's having a seizure on the tv.

Tate Frost

Tate Frost
"Your....not even hitting my character..."

Max Croswell
"Yes I am! Watch!"

Sub Zero hits Scorpion 1 time.

Tate sighs as he presses a few buttons unleashing a combo move instantly killing Sub Zero.


Tate presses in a few more buttons.


Scorpion unleashes his chain piercing Sub Zero's head and ripping it off.

"Scorpion wins, FATALITY"

Max Croswell

Tate burst out laughing.

Tate Frost
"Dude that's the fifth time I killed your character! Why do you keep picking Sub Zero?!"

Max Croswell
"Because I like Sub Zero!"

Tate Frost
"Dude Sub Zero isn't even a bad character and yet you make him look retarded!"

Tate keeps laughing.

Max Croswell
"I hope you wheeze yourself to death!"

Tate Frost
"You don't even know how to play Mortal Kombat! And yet you told me you have but even as a beginner I didn't know you would be this terrible!!"

Tate coughs from laughing .

Max Croswell

Max throws a cushion at him.

Tate Frost
"You bitch!"

Tate grabs the cushion and wacks Max off the couch.

Max Croswell

Tate chuckles.

Max Croswell
"You know, you are such a brute!"

Tate Frost
"Not my fault your a twig compared to me."

Max Croswell
"Well at least I'm more fit you fat bastard."

Tate stares at Max.

Tate Frost
"I'm gonna make you choke on that cushion."

Max Croswell

Tate then smiles.

Tate Frost
"Oh I'm just kidding!"

He pats Max's back.

Tate Frost
"Just be a little careful with your words."

As the room was a little silent the smell of eggs and bacon filled up the room .

Max Croswell
"Man, Y/n has really been cooking up a storm in the kitchen for awhile."

Tate Frost
"That I do have to agree, but who doesn't love a partner that can cook~"

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