Chapter 33:Have a amazing day!

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*You stared at Max with a shocked look on your face , still full of confusion but scared to know what it means*

"What do you mean he's not coming back?..."

Max looks down.

Max Croswell
"I told him he can never come back..."

You place the fork down with your mouth wide open.


Max Croswell
"I'm doing this for your protection."

Max Croswell
"Look , I know what happened at his mothers house, and I am not gonna sit back like I've been having to and let you keep going with him."

Max Croswell
"Your staying here for right now and that's final."

You were silent from what you were hearing.

Max Croswell
"If you want to know what I think , I think Tate was a bad influence on you.."


Max Croswell
"At first he was very persistent on staying, despite what he already caused.."

Max Croswell
"I had to tell him off...We did get physical but only for a split second.."

Max Croswell
"A bit later he agreed to leave.... I told him I know he cares about you a lot but I didn't want to think of the worst scenario if he was still around..."

Max Croswell
".....He said he enjoyed every moment with you..."

You cling onto the bed sheets holding back tears.


"Why would you do that to me Max?!"

Max look at you.

Max Croswell
"I did it for your may not agree with what I did now ,but later on you will understand why."

You sniffle starting to let the tears break loose.

Max Croswell
"Oh no no no no..."

Max sits next to you and holds you.

Max Croswell
"I'm sorry friend I really am...but it had to be done."

"Ik but maybe you didn't actually have to ,something different could've been done..."

Max Croswell
"Ik you want to believe that but with the stuff Tate has caused and the trouble he's having to run from, I had to make that choice..."

You and Max make eye contact.

Max Croswell
"I just want to keep you safe , that's all..."

"I know...and I can't blame you for wanting that...."


Max gets up.

Max Croswell
"Just....try to enjoy your breakfast.."

Max Croswell
"Maybe we can head out and do something later."

You look at your pancakes.

"I guess so ....yeah.."

Max exits out and closes the door.

You hurry to look around and grab your phone.

"Cmon cmon cmon!..."

You call Tate's number and you hear the ringing which was good .

Robot messenger
"I'm sorry but your call has been forwarded to a automated voice message, please try your call again later , goodbye."

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن