Chapter 20:I wont judge you

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As Tate stared at you he suddenly felt the sky starting to sprinkle.

Tate Frost
"Let's go back in so you can tell me sweetie."

You slowly get up and take the axe with you inside the trailer .Tate closes the door and and you both sit on the couch.

You looked at the axe and saw your reflection on the blood..

Tate Frost
"Take all the time you want,I'll listen."

You look at Tate glad that he's here.You took a deep breath not knowing where to actually start but you found your place and began.

"When I was born my parents never really wanted to do anything with me , in fact they never really wanted me born, but they didn't do abortion so I popped out. Everyday was like hell, I would either find my parents having sex , arguing, or drunk on the couch passed out. Whenever I would try and have some attention and have fun I was yelled at sometimes slapped...even for no reason.School was terrible I was bullied and I was always alone.I dealt with all this from the day I came out of the womb from a woman that was suppose to be my mother but turned out to be a fraud just like my father."

"When I was around 8 I the news channel and saw how this 12-year old boy killed his parents because he was being abused ,I guess you can say I was inspired,the story sorta gave me a push towards where I would find my freedom so I started planning , and this plan took about two months before I went through with it."

"As I waited for my moment the night finally came.
I left my room, grabbed a knife and a gun just in case,grabbed rope and duct tape and then went to my parents room.They were asleep and they looked so peaceful but I knew I had to get it done quickly.I tied my parents up and put duct tape on the mouths and as I got on top of my mother with a knife she opened her eyes , they were filled with terror as she stared at me she knew what was coming, then I stabbed her multiple times on her body until she didn't struggle anymore.My dad woke up and saw her wife dead beside him with his little girl he never gave a piggy back ride right on top of her corpse ,staring right at him. I did the same to him and by the time they were dead blood was everywhere and all over me , the sensation I felt was amazing, the freedom, the jolt of excitement, everything made me feel so alive!!"

"I called the cops though soon after tho so I wouldn't be known as a running criminal ,the cops came and gasped at the crime scene and I was took in , luckily since I was still a kid I wasn't charged anything and I was put into a mental health facility.I'll tell ya I was treated way better there than at home so I was actually happy, besides the nightmares I started having and medication that rolled in I was having a bit of a nice life . School and education was done online and as I grew the other true part is was that I started getting less nightmares and so less medication came ,and when I was old enough I was finally able to leave."

"I got my own apartment for some time and then.....Ben came into my was almost like the whole scenario with my parents but I didn't want to hurt him so I escaped and left . Found somewhere else for a short time and then I saw an ad for roommates ,and so that's how I met Max and boom you came in."

"The downside was after I left Ben the nightmares came back, warning me and threatening me, that day in the truck when I screamed after you woke me up it was one of those nightmares.The nightmare told me that you would soon find out about the real me and I guess they were right.."


"The End"

Tate Frost

"So ,nothing?"

Tate Frost
"Well you killed your parents to escape abuse,  you said that your life was a little better in the health facility so...basically zero judgment."

Tate Frost
"I would've done the same thing Hun'."

Tate Frost
"This also helps me get a bit more of a understanding why you almost killed that lady at the bar."

You look at the axe that now has dried blood.

"Oh umm, sorry I used your axe."

You give the axe back to Tate.

Tate Frost
"You know it's fine Sha, I would've used it anyway on him."

He chuckles.

Tate Frost
"But I'm surprised you were even able to use it tho , it's pretty heavy."

"I was surprised too, guess it was a sudden bounce of strength at the moment."

You smiled.

Tate Frost
"There's that cute smile I like."


You look away.

"I'm probably gonna go get medication tomorrow.."

Tate Frost

"Because this is not me, killing people or someone isn't me."

Tate Frost
"Well then the person before hand wasn't you either, but you after treatments and medication that hid your real you."

Tate Frost
"And I prefer to have a real Y/n in my life."

You look at him.

"Are you sure?..."

Tate Frost
"Definitely! I mean I'm not gonna judge you for who you really are just like you said you wouldn't judge me as long as I didn't fondle with anyone else, so I'm not gonna judge you for who you really are as long as you don't take that toxic pill that fondles with your brain."

You give him a genuine smile as you hugged him tightly knowing you found someone that wouldn't judge you for who you are even if you both are killers.

You looked at the clock and it was 11pm and you think about Bens body.

Tate Frost
"Hey ,if your worried about the body, don't worry I'll get rid of it, sadly since you can't take a shower you'll have to sleep in dried blood, sorry."

"It's not the worst thing to sleep in at least."

You both get up and he kisses you goodnight as you head to the room to sleep.

He walks outside and starts celebrating silently.

Tate Frost (Whisper)
Yes -Yes-Yes-Yes !!!!!! Score!!!!!Hahaha!

Tate Frost (Whisper)
"I got a killer for a partner holy shit!!!"

Tate grabs a bag humming happily while putting Bens remains in a bag.

He walks deep into the woods with a shovel ,carrying the bag over his shoulder .

Tate Frost
"This should probably be far enough."

He starts digging a large hole and dumps the bag in.

Tate Frost
"Man this is gonna be really something ,I can't help myself I'm so happy!!!!"

He covers the hole up and pats it down.

As he was about to leave he turns around and spits on the grave.

Tate Frost
"You really got your ass kicked and chopped up by my sweetheart you little bitch, and I didn't even have to do it myself!"

His laugh echoes as he walks back into the dark abyss of the woods while the fog covers the moonlight to ever silence.

The Wolf Vs The Rabbit :Tate Frost x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now