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Play "Motorsport" by Migos, Cardi B, and Nicki Minaj for the vibes :)

I woke up to a knock on my door. I sat up tiredly while rubbing my eyes. My door opened. It was Travis. It's very occasional for Travis to knock. He never does and right now, it scares me. 

"Get ready for training day 2" He said, shutting my door on his way out. I nodded before getting out of bed and getting dressed. I washed my face, did my hair, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup. I feel training ready, somehow. 

I went outside to where Travis was waiting. I entered the passenger seat, him taking off and driving to headquarters. We entered the gates of the headquarters. "Jungkook's waiting for you in the car" He said, pointing to the same car as yesterday. I nodded and started running over there, getting in the drivers seat.

I looked over at Jungkook who was cleaning his gun. "Jungkook.. Why are you cleaning your gun?.." I asked, worriedly. "It just got used and it needs a clean." He replied, coldly. "It just got used on who?" I asked. "Don't worry about that" He said, turning his head towards me anf giving me the keys.

I put the key into the ignition, putting the car into sports mode. "Ready?" I asked. He just nodded his head. I took a deep breath before pressing my foot down on the gas pedal, hard. Once again, the turn came up. I took my foot off the gas pedal and put my other foot on the brake, turning the wheel to the left. '

Finally, I finished the lap. I looked over at Jungkook who looked over at me. "Pretty good but you have to race me" He said, the unexpected coming out of his mouth. He called someone. It was Offset. Offset drove the car up to him, Jungkook getting out of this car and getting into the red Porsche. 

Offset stood in the same spot a flag girl or boy would stand in, counting down. "3...2...1... Go!" He shouted. I instantly pressed down on the gas pedal. The turn came up. I lifted my foot off of the gas pedal and put my other on the brake pedal, turning the steering wheel to the right once again. 

It ended in a tie. We both got out of the car and high fived each other. "You're too good, Soph" He said, us walking back to the firepit. "Thanks Jungkook" I replied, us taking our seats around the firepit. 

Hwasa high fived me as she was on my right. "Okay so I fucked this bitch last night and let me tell you, that pussy was wetttt." Quavo said, causing the boys to laugh. Hwasa and I just looked at each other, eyes widened. Is this how men talk about their sex life?


Hours later, the sound of loud music filled my ears. There was no race, no party. Just us. The originals. We were having fun. Drinking, smoking. Well, they did all the smoking. I just did most of the drinking. The firepit kept cackling as the fire was on. 

Shortly after, we called it a night. Travis drove the both of us home, us going into bed and falling asleep as it was already 3 in the morning. Good times. Good times...

The motor leaders|JJKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora